Today’s workout is the Glute Bender. It’s a full body workout that incorporates plenty of abs, core and butt work. I believe that you should use your workouts to get the most out of them, by using movements that use more than one part at a time. Each step of the workout is explained in the video. The reps of each are listed below.
*Note: I repeated this workout in a full length video: Work it All Out-Glute Bender Take 2
Start out with the Warm-up!
1. Plank Pose-Knee to elbow with leg lift
Newbies: 10 reps per leg
Intermediate: 15 reps per leg
Advanced: 25 reps per leg
2. Warrior 3 with Squat
Newbies: 10 reps per leg
Intermediate: 15 reps per leg
Advanced: 25 reps per leg
3. Heel Tap Leg Lifts
Newbies: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
4. Leg Series (Typically I do 10 of the lift, 10 drops, and end with 10 combined per leg. That’s 30 per leg. For a description check the video)
Newbies: 10 reps per leg
Intermediate: 15 reps per leg
Advanced: 25 reps per leg
5. Ball Leg Lifts
Newbies: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
6. Butt Ball Lifts
Newbies: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
7. Plie Jumps
Newbies: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
8. Squating Leg Lifts
Newbies: 10 reps per leg (20 total)
Intermediate: 15 reps per leg (30 total)
Advanced: 25 reps per leg (50 total)
9. Wall Sit Leg Lifts
Newbies: 10 reps per leg
Intermediate: 15 reps per leg
Advanced: 25 reps per leg
10. Side Plank Drops
Newbies: 10 reps per side
Intermediate: 15 reps per side
Advanced: 25 reps per side
Love the blog and the fact you include all fitness levels from beginning to advanced. The video is informative and inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
That was a butt kicker! Those leg lifts where your toes are pointed out–I could not get my legs all the way down and back up again, so I only did part way. Also, those wall sits with alternating lifted legs just were not happening. I ended up just doing a regular wall sit. I feel good tho!
Sarah-I’m so glad you tried it! Keep working, and the hard exercises will get easier. To me that’s the most exciting part of working out, noticing when you can suddenly do more leg lifts or pushups, and knowing you are improving.
Melissa, thank you for this wonderful blog! I have had a rough few years of weight gain. A few years ago, I was a missionary in Europe, always on my feet, walking around literally from dawn until dusk, working to help others, eating simple “real” food. A very active and healthy lifestyle, in all respects.
When I came home to the US, my life was bombarded by convenience food, sweets (my weakness), an office job, and a daily 3 hour bus commute, and I started to put on weight. I went from 135 to 165 in a year. Then I got married, started working from home (aka my couch), moved to a hot city (which means I don’t venture outside too often), and I gained another 5 lbs. Then I had a baby… You see where I’m going with this. I now weigh 179 lbs, marking a 44 lb weight gain in 2.5 years.
My cousin’s wife pinned your website on Pinterest. I clicked over here and decided to start from the beginning. I watched this video tonight, as well as the sun salutation warm up/cool down (I used to do yoga twice a week before I moved abroad), and I knew I could do this workout. My husband held my son and counted reps for me. He loved the workout so much (and though he just ran a half marathon, he too has gained about 40 lbs since we got married), that he decided to try it to. My husband who usually scoffs at yoga LOVED it, and I loved cheering him on through this workout.
We don’t have money for a gym membership, and I can only check out workout DVDs from the library for a week. I love that I can watch your short video, then get to work, following along in the blog to make sure I do the right exercises. This blog is a terrific resource. Thanks for helping this self-conscious first time mom get back on track. I look forward to working out with you!
Hilary, so sincere and touching story! I wish you success and all the best for your family!
curious about what size exercise ball you are using. i tried using our and about broke my neck…..LOL. yours looks smaller, but i wanted to be sure that it was the ball and not just me
Thanks for everything you do! Please keep this blog going! I’m in better shape now than I was in high school and I got here by following your blog!
Hi there! Starting your 4 month workout. Today is my first day but having trouble viewing week 1 day one workout…”Work it all out glute bender”, tried “take 2” also but same issue. I thought it was something on my end but can view other videos of yours…help.
Melissa, I just did this workout and it is great! Perfect combo of mind, body and spirit movements. Thanks so much for sharing your love of fitness with the world! I have a membership at a crossfit gym but I don’t always get to go on the days I want to, so I come home and look a workout up on your blog. Thanks again!
How many sets?
Very enjoyable workout! My favorite type – without cardio, so nice, especially ball exersices…
I completed it in 29:41 (advanced level). Thanks, Melissa!