Hello Everyone! Today’s workout is a tough one, but it’s completely worth how great you will feel afterwards. I want to thank you for starting (or continuing!) your fitness journey with me. So many times people have goals that they want to start “tomorrow.” You only have one life to live, so why wait to live it? Enjoy.
Up/down dog
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 burpee
Lunge jumps
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 burpee
Right plank leg lift
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 burpee
Left plank leg lift
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 burpee
Leg lift sit ups
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 burpee
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 burpee
Tricep leg lifts
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5 Burpees
How many appearances does Gambit (my cat) make?
Maybe you should call it up cat, down cat,lol. Burpees are so hard to me,lol. Thanks for sharing, amazing video.
Haha, not a bad idea! Burpees are really hard, but I read an article that said if you are only going to do one exercise for the rest of your life burpees would be the best choice. They have a ton of health benefits.
You didn’t tell me you’d be singing as well.
Love it!
Great workout! I’m sure my form was laughable, but I got a good sweat going.
Sometimes it helps to check out the movement in a mirror if you aren’t sure you are doing it right. Or have a friend check it for you.
I’m glad you got in a good workout!
Hi Melissa, I am so happy i found u! I have a trainer that’s been making me do all the same workouts but I will be moving soon so it’s good that u are around that I can follow along with u and won’t miss out =)
I was just wondering tho, do u only do this whole workout once or how many times would u recommend?
Thanks so much =)
Hi Melissa, I found you via Pinterest and love the organization of your work outs. I have a couple questions though, do you run everyday or just on the cardio days? I’m trying the Month 1 work outs and am on day 4. Thanks!
Hey Melissa, I love your workouts and your attitude is so motivating
I’ve been following your workouts for the past week now and I’m just wondering – for the 4 months did you do any other exercises as well? Because these workouts are great but they seem a little short! To become similarly muscular and to reduce my body fat to where yours is, shouldn’t I be doing like…40 min of strength training a day? xx
Hi Melissa. I’ve been working out consistently for about 9 months now (4-5x’s/week). I’ve tried a variety of different things from spinning, to running, to heavy strength training and light weight training. I’ve reduced my body fat significantly and increased muscle tone but I’m not satisfied yet! (are we ever?) Anyway, I started doing your 4month routines and was also wondering, like Miriam, if you did anything else because I too find the workouts a little short. I do know there is something to be said in working out smarter rather than longer and was wondering if that’s the method behind your routines? Do these workouts promote higher fat burn rather than calorie burn? I loo forward to your response!
Thanks, Melissa! Amazing workout! My time: 14:51 (advanced version).