Guns and Glutes: Body Weight Workout (Real Time)

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Knee Drop Plank
Reverse Plank Side Step

Hi Everyone,

I did this workout last night, and it got me very sweaty! The emphasis of this workout is on your booty, and core. This workout will help make your butt high, round, and tight. You will also work your arms. I felt this one in my triceps (the back of your arms, where many people want to tighten up and lose that jiggle.)

I also ran a little over 3 miles yesterday. Jesse and I started coaching our local high school’s cross country team, so we will both be running with the teams a lot. 

Today I will be filming a new workout. In addition to the new workout I will also be interviewing Michael Prest about his recent win in an NPC body building competition. I will be finding out about his contest prep, and hopefully getting 1 or 2 of his favorite recipes to share with everyone. 

So check back for that! See you later!

Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

or do this as an Interval workout: 50 seconds of work (max reps), 10 seconds of rest between each exercise. 

Repeat 1-3X.

1. Squat Cross Kick (right)
2. Squat Cross Kick (left)
3. Dive Bomber
4. Butt Lift Squat
5. Walking Pushup
6. Reverse Plank Side Step
7. Tricep Pushup (right)
8. Tricep Pushup (left)
9. Seated Twist Stretch
10. Knee Drop Plank

11 thoughts on “Guns and Glutes: Body Weight Workout (Real Time)

  1. Erika

    Great workout! I am going to incorporate the moves into my workout! Your videos are fantastic! I love the fact that almost all are body weight only!!! Thank you for your daily motivation!

  2. Anonymous

    I have entered a mud race. While I have done some 5k’s, I have not done any obstacles. Do you recommend adding weights to your workouts, or is just the workout with the weight of my body…enough? I just want to be prepared, and I love your real time workouts!!! I do your other ones as well, but always come back to the real time ones.

  3. Shelly

    I’m goin crazy with all of your workouts. It’s amazing to see the before and the now. I began exercising in January and I have to say you are helping me a lot right now. Thank you for your free workouts. It does become challenging when you’re clueless as to what to do and people are charging for their workouts…so only if you pay, you’d help??? That doesn’t seem right. It’s all about making money today and not much about TRULY helping. So thank YOU for your free workouts. You are an amazing person and hope to live long and healthy following your steps (as far as exercising goes lol ) -Shelly‼️

    • benderfitness

      Thanks Shelly! I believe that everyone has the right to be healthy & happy, and I am glad I can be a part of helping people achieve that. 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  4. Sarah

    Hi Ms. Bender,

    I rescently have a wrist surgery, I love working out, is there a work out that you can recommend mainly for case like mine that can’t do planks but want to tone arms, shoulders and upper back! I’m an avid follower and I appreciate you sharing your workouts!

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