Body Definition Workout

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Hi Everyone!

Tonight’s workout video, and breakdown are posted below. This is a fun workout. I actually might repeat this one 1-2 times tomorrow morning, just because I thought it was fun. 

This is a full body workout with an emphasis on glutes and abs. I have been seeing “Summer bodies are made in the Winter” a lot lately, and it’s true. Staying healthy should be a year long commitment, not just a seasonal hobby.

I know when I exercise consistently my entire quality of life improves. I feel more positive and happy, and like I can handle anything that comes my way. Don’t let the winter blues get you! Try working out and see if it helps. You may be pleasantly surprised. ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy the workout!

All Levels: 10 reps, repeat 2-5X
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

1. Frogger Pushup
2. Side Crunch (right)
3. Side Crunch (elft)
4. Prone Heel press
5. Twisted Mountain Climber
6. Single Leg Stand & Press (right)(split reps between right and left)
    Single Leg Stand & Press (left)
7. Quadruped Leg Lift (right)
8. Quadruped Leg Lift (left)
9. Frog Hopper
10. Surfer

13 thoughts on “Body Definition Workout

  1. You are such a rockstar!! This was a fun one! I’ve been doing your workouts 3 + times a week for a couple weeks now! I love that I don’t need a gym or equipment and the site is easily accessible anywhere I may be…which means NO EXCUSES ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you again and have a great day!

  2. Love you, love you, love you. Your the best on the web, you surpass bodyrock/daily Hiit and you don’t get half naked working out. With you it’s all about the workout and not showing off body parts. I’ve been working out all my life and have had my own personnel training business and well as competed in the past. I find your workouts to be extremely challeging and fun. Your smiling face is a pleasure to watch and I love all the new exercise you do that I have never done before. In you statement you mentioned you may do the workout again in the morning, do you work out twice a day????

  3. Yes!! Zis one was very much a fun time ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your blog oodles. My favourite part about you though is how well you spell the word left in this workout. I like that you like to switch it up and offer variety with both your spelling and your workouts. It’s boring having to spell words properly all the time ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. This looks sooo fun! It took me since January I finish your first month. I don’t workout everyday, did several of them 2-3x and also had a 6 wk hiatus due to surgery. I feel so lucky I stumbled upon your site those months ago. Ive lost 12 poinds with you ( 25 total since july 2013) Don’t ever stop, you are helping so many people. You have great talent!

  5. Anonymous

    Hi Melissa, I love you website and I want to follow your month to month workouts, but on most I have seen in month 1 it states how many rounds you did and if you included running. I only see on here that you did this once and then your thinking about doing it tomorrow. I just think you look awesome and I’m thinking wow if some days you just need one round and look that great maybe I’m doing too much. I generally, do you work outs and then I do weights either upper or lower body different body parts each day for 30-45 mins. thanks!

  6. Sandra F.

    Hi Melissa! I’m doing your bikini prep plan and love it. I did this workout 2 days ago: 20 reps 2 times through, and my legs are still sore! Love it – thank you!

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