This is Month 1 of the workouts that I have done to prep for my bikini competition. This is the order I completed the workouts in, with 1 month progress pictures below.
Day 1: Full Body Fitness Makeover
Day 2: Full Body Shaping Home Workout
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Fit Test and Fitness Transformation Workout 1
Day 6: Lower Body Fat Blaster
Day 7: Tummy Toning Fat Burn
Day 8: Fitness Transformation: Workout 2 and Booty Bump Workout
Day 9: Off
Day 10: Quick Fit Full Body Workout
Day 11: 30 Minutes Cardio
Day 12: Off
Day 13: 30 Minutes Cardio
Day 14: Fitness Transformation: Workout 3
Day 15: HIIT 15 Minute Home Fat Burning Cardio, 2 Mile Run
Day 16: Abs On Fire Workout
Day 17: Full Body Home Workout, 30 Minute Run
Day 18: Home Workout For a Tight Body
Day 19: Off
Day 20:Improve Your Rear View Workout
Day 21: 30 Minutes Cardio
Day 22: Fitness Transformation: Workout 4, 30 Minutes Cardio
Day 23: Off
Day 24: Full Body Shaping Home Workout
Day 25: 15 Minute Home Workout, 3 Mile Run
Day 26: Off
Day 27: 10 Minute Fat Burn
Day 28: Flab-U-Less Arms and Abs, 30 Minutes Cardio
Day 29: Off
Day 30: Fitness Transformation: Workout 5, 30 Minutes Cardio
Day 31: Mix It Up Workout, 30 Minutes Cardio
Month 2 Workouts:
Month 3 Workouts:
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful workouts with us Im gonna start on Monday doing them!!! you think I can get a little bit tone in a month?
Absolutely! Stick with it, and listen to your body.
what do you think about protein powder its good or not??
I just love you!!!. thanks for your amazing page
You look fabulous
Thank you!
you look great!! thanks for sharing this. going to try it as soon as ill feel strong enoufh after that flu…… did you change your eating ? can you share a sample of a day/week ? love to workout with you!
Thank you for posting this. Just finished 2 rounds this off with some extra squats. Melissa, could you post a quick (or give a link if their is already a write up) about what you take for supplements/pre & post w/o food (not looking for anything super specific just an idea like a banana or smoothie) and what else you try to eat most of daily I.E meat, veggies, no grains etc… PLEASE and THANK YOU!!
The results are amazing, & so are your workout. I know abs are made in the kitchen & I have been having a hard time finding mine can you share your meal plan with us please!
Thank you
Yes, please do share your meal plan!
So rather than lifting weights in the gym like (from my knowledge) typical bikini models do, you’re only doing your personal workouts and cardio?
If this picture doesn’t get you motivated I don’t know what will…
You look amazing Melissa! I’ve started this workout regime. Going on my second week,I feel great! Thanks for sharing your meal plan, it gave me an idea so I premade meal too. I will send pictures of my results at the end of the month.
I have a lot of fat to lose in my stomach from having three children can you suggest a workout plan that will burn belly fat in time for bikini season.
Thanks What a great info you have given us by your blog. I like it and will share it to my friends.
Bee Cave dentist
can you share your meal plan for the first month?
Can you tell us the meals.. I’m really interested on this routine.. I have been at the gym for the past six months with spinning and exercises but I need something to really change my body.. Thanks
Wow! Is this really all you did everyday? You look like you did much more
You look amazing!
Thank you! This is it.
I just found your site and I have been on it for three hours straight!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do it! I have been looking for the right set of workouts for a while and these are perfect!!
Thank you! I hope you have been enjoying the workouts.
Hi Melissa, please can you tell us what is your “30 minutes cardio”. Thank you in advance
I would like to know as well.
Hi Nedka-
I alternate it. I actually did a post on this:
You could also chose to do jump rope, or pick one of my 15 minute HIIT cardio workouts. If you find something that you like feel free to stick to that, but every once in a while change it up so your body doesn’t acclimate to doing the same thing all the time.
Thank you for your reply and advice, Melissa … By the way I love your 15 mins HIIT & Tabata workout
… as they say: If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you! You are a great inspiration!
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Hiya , I ave been following your HIIT cardio exercices for a bit now (really like them thanks!):) My question is I have started with a 6 meals diet plan consisting of eating every 3 hours with oats with protein powder for breakfast , 2 eggs mid morning, 1 chicken breast with either brown rice or sweet potatoe for lunch, 1 whey protein shake after workout, white fish and vegetables for dinner and greek yogurt and some nuts before bed…. I do a bit of cardio (15min) 3 times a week and weights every night ( training differentset of muscles every day) but I seem to have lost about 1 stone in the first couple months and now i am on a standstill
been told to lower the meals and up the cardio for a bit to drop body fat but read aswell that if you compromise the calory intake you could compromise muscle mass, so I am quite confused as where to go from here. My weight at the minute is 154 pounds. Have you got any recommendations on what to do foodwise? do i still keep eating small amounts every 3 hours and up the cardio or to drop fat do I lower my calory intake? Many thanks xxxxxxx
Hi Cristina,
Are you noticing any changes in your body composition? Sometimes even though the scale is at a standstill you are losing inches from your body. Your meals sound very healthy, and caloric intake sounds good. At what intensity are you doing your cardio and lifting?
Its not about what youre doing in the gym, I would try fat cycling or carb cycling if you are at a stand still. good luck!
Just wanted to say you look great and you are a inspiration to me.. not just for your fit look, but also for your strength and discipline!
I wonder if your rest days or off days are days you don’t exercise at all or you go for a run? Sometimes I take a day off if my body is really really sore. But most of the time I combine your workouts with running or do one of them.
Thanks in advance and again you’re awesome!
Hi Melissa,
I’m 5’6, 78 kg, 19 years old.
I used to be well on my way to my bikini body at 62 kg and was focusing on still loosing I had muscle tone and looking good. But right now my motivation is at an all time low and im bigger than i was to begin with.
I want your opinion on calorie intake, and how i should approach training. People say “you’ve done it before so just do it again” but at this weight. im in a hurry, not only because of summer (in general i love training, i mostly do weight lifting because it’s what i enjoy which doesn’t help what i see in the mirror because of all the fat covering it!). but because of my confidence dropping, so i need some guidance. Should i be focusing more cardio – less weight lifting, or equally focusing on both?
sorry that was a mouth full!
Just a heads up if i were you, start dropping you calorie intake slowly, even if you need to drop weight fast, DO NOT drop your calorie intake drastically. You will lose some weight fast but eventually plateau. Definately keep sticking to the weights but maybe up your cardio a bit more. Or try fasted cardio in the AM. when you wake up before you eat your body is still in a fat burning state, so if you go burn calories before ingesting food for energy, your body will burn your stored fat instead of burning the calories you just ate! hope that helps and kik: mitchjfitness if you need anymore help! just lookin out for those trying hard in the fitness community!
Hi Melissa! Ive been doing hour workouts for a few woks now. And before that I did Jillian videos. I had a baby 5 months ago and weighed 167 right before giving birth, I started casually working out mostly walking, hiking,& my elliptical I now weight 117!! I’m thrilled but want a ripped tummy! If I do anymore cardio there wont be anything left of me! What do you suggests?? I’m nursing too so I got a same curb your craving protein shake & I eat these mega packed protein bars before my daily morning workout. Any advice??
Ive been working out for three years. 3 years ago I started to eat less with help from my best friend who is a dietition. I list 50 pounds in 6 months. I’ve kept 40 pounds off. Gained 10 back! But still am exercising!! I came across your workouts last week and am trying this one! I’m excited to see the results and I’m also following your meal plan! I wish I could buy all organic foods, but just out of my budget! Anyways, I’m trying my best to eat right and healthy with this meal plan! I’m glad I found your website. I love your workouts. They are awesome and very helpful! Thank you guys for putting your time on this and helping other people to live a better lifestyle! May God Bless You Guys tremendously! Will keep in touch of I have any questions.
I started the workouts.. i’ve changed the days i take off is that bad i’m also not doing any diets just cut down the amount. any advice??
I wish i knew about this last year! Oh well i will start this year off right forsure!!!!!!!
I have tried for a month,it really worked!!! Thank you so much!!! But can u post ur meal plan as well?
You can check out her biki competition diet here:
It is not totally detailed but there are a few sample days from month 1 prep, month 2 prep, and month 3 prep. I found it VERY helpful.
Hi Melissa,
I started following your blog and absolutely love the exercises. I am little confused however, as i have been doing the Bikini Prep/Body Sculp workouts as you are posting them on daily basis. I thought that they were the part of 12 week bikini challenge workouts but they are different. Could you please advise whether it is ok just to follow those workouts or you suggest combining them with the above workouts for 1 month of bikini prep? Thanks a lot in advance. Firuza
The 12 Week Bikini Challenge is my competition prep from last year, which I had great results with. I am doing another competition this year and starting a new workout series. You can choose the workouts from either series. It is also nice to have the original 12 week competition prep to fall back on in case I fall behind in getting videos posted.
Good luck and keep up the good work!
Thank you for your wonderful blog/site — I love that all of the workouts are able to be done at home, and without the use of crazy amounts of equipment.
I do have a question …. I’ve started following your 12 week competition prep from last year. Do I need to do additional cardio above and beyond what you list for each day? Or are the workout videos all I need to be doing?
Thank you!
Hi your are def an inspiration i am wondering if u can share what proteins u take what times and what is ur diet like? thank you
How may rounds did you do on days 1 and 2??
I have a question. I am in pretty good physical shape, as I go to the gym and train often, but I am weighing about 155 with 12% body fat right now. I’m 5’7″. Would you suggest against me prepping for a bikini comp at this time and just concentrating on losing 20 more pounds? Or would I be able to drop some weight, build more muscle doing your workout/diet regimen?
Hi! Im starting this on sunday, I was wondering for the cardio days or the 2 and 3 mile runs, Would it be just as effective to do a spin class??
First off thank you so much for all of these videos! Just finished your 30 day ab challenge and I love my results! I am ready to do the bikini prep workout next. How many times did you go through the videos? I am guessing 3 times since you are advanced. Thanks again for everything. You are amazing!
I would love to read your answer to the question from the previous post (Anonymous) as well. Although it’s quite obvious you’ve done all workouts 3 times… I’m still wondering, if you maybe had any bad days when you would just do the workout once or twice. Thanks
And your workouts are great and super fun compared to most other workout routines you can find online 
Hi melissa
i want to start the workout but i dont have a clue what some of the moves is.
is there someplace i can go to see pictures of each workout?
Please help
HI Melissa I Just started your month 1 of Bikini competition prep. (by no means am I competing in one) but I want to shed some pounds. I figured if I stuck to your work out plan for 3 months and dedicate myself to cooking clean I would see results. Thank you for sharing for fitness knowledge! you rock!
Thank you for sharing this! I am into fitness and workout at least 4 times a week. but I have been trying to find ways to not break the bank at the gym or for a trainer. and Finally you have shared routines that do not have to be done at the gym! everyone believes that you can only get fit in a gym which is completely false.and most blogs and tips are given from that standpoint . I will be doing your month by month fitness routines and hope to tone up more! thanks again!
I’m SO happy to have come across your blog. I just did your Day 1 workout after my usual workout and LOVED it! I have a wicked sweat going on now after 2 rounds of this and can’t wait to do your Day 2 workout tomorrow! Thanks so much for sharing your journey and your plan with us
thank you Melissa for sharing, you are so inspirational
Hi Melissa,
On your off days do you do anything at all…cardio???
Hi Melissa! My two friends and I are doing the 3 months of work outs and we love them!!!
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good article
Its wonderful blog really very nice site and blog facility.every title is very nice and very fatastic concept. Thanks for sharing the information.
You look amazing! I want to do these workouts along with the 28 day jumpstart diet plan. That plan is roughly 1400 calories per day (all clean unprocessed foods) Is 1400 too little to eat with this workout plan? I have lost 15 on my own through ww. I do spinning 2-3x per week as well as interval training cardio workouts and kickboxing but i need to change up my routine. I really want to lose 10 more pounds and get toned. Thank you for sharing these workouts and thank you in advance for your insight!
My friend is doing a bikini competition and shes at 170lbs and 5’9. needs to lose 40lbs fast, her eating is great. But she needs harder workouts, what should she do?
How long does she have until her competition?
I think August
So what should she do?
I have to write it here, because it makes my decision stronger (documentation has power), but today I started your program. First workout is done. I hope I won’t bail out
There’s no competition, just for fun. If it goes well, I will even by a bikini 
Putting something in writing can be a strong incentive! Let me know how it goes!
I definitely will!
Did you get these results with only this workout?? of course I know food plays a big role.. how many rounds did you actually do daily ??? Love your programs and glad to see you moving up in the world of fitness
Hi Melissa! I’m TOTALLY in love with your blog!! I almost finished the first month of bikin prep even though i’m not going to compete and i have to say i’m already seeing great results!!! can’t wait to see the reults after month 3!! so thank you very much you’re a big inspiration!!!! love from Italy <3
Hi Melissa!!
I’m doing your 12 week program, alost done witht first month, however I changed the show I am planning to do. After I complete the 12 weeks, I’ll have 10 more weeks of prep. Any thoughts on which program I should do next? 10 week body rock or perhaps some of the 30 day challenges? (Lean muscle and abs I was looking at).
Thank you for your advice and alllll of your amazing information. I’ve competed before and followed strict diets along with pure weight training and.very little cardio. I looked great but was very unathletic and now with your program I’m able to run easier, and achieve so much more in bodyweight exercises than I ever was before! Thank you!
Food regimen? You are amazing!
Hi! I was wondering if you did any weights or other exercises for your competition besides these workouts you’ve posted? If so, are they in your website? Thank you for posting these! I started last week!
Hi! These are the only workouts I did. No extra weights. Any additional cardio I did should be written with the exercise routine of the day.
Wow that’s amazing! Thank you for replying!! Any recommendations regarding supplements and fat loss/lean muscle gains while following this program or in general? I know nutrition is important and I’m trying to find my balance on that.. Thanks again!
I have lost my muscle tone all over…I don’t know what I was doing wrong, I having worked out consistently for 2 years… I’m 50 and very depress look at my body, it’s flabby….Now I’m want to work on getting my muscle tone back. I do know to do less Cardo…Any suggestions “Help”
What equipment do you have for your workouts?
I use dumbbells, a barbell (you can substitute dumbbells for this if needed), stability ball, and a bench or chair (something sturdy you can step up on).
These workouts are amazing! I recently stumbled upon your website because my cousin and I are prepping for our first bikini competition. I was going to Planet Fitness everyday for a few months but since starting this (I just completed Day 19) I am getting much better results as far as physically feeling better. I plan on sticking with this workout plan and the best part is there’s no excuse not to work out if I “don’t feel like making it to the gym” I do however need to focus on my diet. As I was eating McDonalds everyday for a year and a half. (free meals working as a manager did that) My new job may have saved me from a heart attack. This blog is inspiring to see how easy and fun it is to work out. And I can’t wait to complete all 3 months!
That’s fantastic!!! Please let me know how it goes!
You totally kicked my butt with this new workout. I totally have a love/hate relationship with you which is good. I cant wait to see what I can accomplish with you guiding me
Where can I find the second bikini prep series? Thanks so much!
Here are links to all 12 Weeks:
Melissa, where have you been all my life. OMG i love these workouts. I just started on Monday and I love every workout I have done so far. My question to you is what do you do for cardio? I am not a runner and I absolutely do not like treadmill etc, lol. Do you have cardio workouts to go with this program? By the way congrats on the baby!!!!!!!!! You look beautiful!!!!!!
Melissa. On this 12 wk bikini workouts do u do just the workouts listed or do u add cardio or repeat the workouts. For instance if it’s a 20 min workout is that all u did that day or did u repeat or pair with another workout. I noticed on the workouts description u added some cardio or repeated. Is that what u did during your training? Thank you so much
Do you recommend adding/doing cardio, each workout day with these work outs ? Like adding 30 mins of running or other cardio, every workout day? And on REST days, do you suggest completely rest, or is there running, or other cardio on those days?
I also wondered about restorative exercises, like walking, gentle things, like that ? Do you suggest/recommend doing those thru the week/day, and how often, for how long?
Thank you so much!
Hi Tiffany, It should say what the cardio recommendation is with each workout day, but you can always add 30-minutes of cardio. For rest days, either take full rest, or keep it very gentle like stretching, restorative yoga, or gentle walking. Pay attention to how your body feels.
You can incorporate stretching daily. It will help keep alignment, reduce injury, and help your muscles heal more quickly due to increased blood flow.
Hope that helps!
Do you consider your workouts- in general- strength training? Or are they just body weight, and cardio –
My doc wants me strength training 3X a week – and I wasn’t sure if you consider these strength or not . . . . I know there is a section with weighted exercises, but, what is your opinion!?
Thank you again so much!
These are also strength training workouts. These workouts have helped me gain the muscle that I have. It’s also a good idea to incorporate the weighted exercises for additional benefits.
Curious, where are the weighted exercise?
Thanks you so much.
I’m sure you hear this ALL the time. But you truly are an inspiration. I SO look up to you. I have followed you on Facebook for years, and have been reading,watching, etc, you site, for just as long . Even though I have not always followed the workouts, or all of them, I have tried, to incorporate them, or some of them, in my routines, when possible. Either way, I have looked up to you, your advice, and life style, and just so much, for a long time, and it has been very inspiring to me. I so wish I could ask you more questions, or even just talk more!
I have struggled with exercise addiction, and, after a few months of working with a health coach, I am now trying to get things in-line and regulated. She is very old school, and very set on the tradition style of weight training, then cardio, etc. She is exploring with me, and we are working to find a method that works. unfortunately, it is VERY pricy, to continue with this, and, after much talking, and advice, and working with her, starting this month I am on my own! I want to keep up the progress I have made with her, and get out of the adding so much cardio, over and pver again, and also, keeping my workouts, at a healthy balanced time. She has advised me to walk as much as possible everyday (separate from my workouts) and often times, I find myself, pushing myself to do this, to get in AS MUCH as possible, walking, and with kids, family, work, commitments, etc, I an running my self down, and I know, but, I struggle to get away from the I need, more, more, more… I know I am training my body to need, this, to maintain, and I SO wish, I could just kick it! You confidence, and advice, and everything, is something I SOOOO look up to, and even though I still struggle with it, all very much, you have helped and inspired me, and I SO wish , I could once and for all get a healthy balanced grasp on this!
My doc, and coach, said I NEED/SHOULD have, weighted, weight training, or weighted full body, or spilt training, workouts, at least 3X a week. They say, using the weights, pushing, and building muscle, is what I need, and is what will benefit me most, then, if I cut some cardio, and add more weights and build more muscle, I should be OK.- they said your workouts, don’t like like, strength/building programs.
I am completely happy with, my weight & my appearance, and would be happy to “maintain” it from here on in, but, I know being female, and getting older, in order to keep my muscle, and continue to improve it, I need to continue to push it, and build, and progress my muscle strength – with weight training – etc –
I showed them your workouts, and programs, and she says, there’s NO way, you built your body & maintain your body, with the workouts, you show us, and you do!
I totally didn’t believe her, so I trust, that, the workouts, you post are the ones you do, lol?
Do you only do the workouts you post, each day, and how many times do you usually repeat each workout, and do you do cardio, with your workouts, or how do you typically approach your workouts & cardio, and lengths of both?
Again, I hope this isn’t to much, and you are able to answer some of the questions, I have!
Can you make some recommendations/advice, for this type of situation!?
Thank you again, SO much!
I do only do the workouts that I post here. I don’t have any other secret training, but I normally add running 3-5X per week (about 30-minutes). I almost always keep my total workout time (workout + run) under 1 hour (unless I am doing a long run, which is 1X per week). Some days I only do 1 round of my workout and pair it with a run, other days I do 2-3 rounds with no run. I haven’t done any workouts since I had my baby, except some gentle walking because my doctor hasn’t cleared me yet.
That said, with the issues you have been struggling with, I think it’s best to continue the program that you have been having success with. I could see how HIIT workouts could trigger some issues with workout addiction because of the short format and intensity, which may make you feel like you have to do “extra.” I do have a lot of workouts that are not HIIT, and particularly in my Bikini Prep program I incorporated weights much more consistently. Also, most of the workouts can be modified so they aren’t for time, but done for reps, and you can add weights to the body weight exercises.
The most important thing to think about is your health, and choosing workouts that will contribute to that physically, mentally and emotionally. I would rather you be happy and healthy and not doing my workouts, then continue with them and find that it is triggering an addictive cycle of exercise.
Wow.. Thank you again!
I would love to continue to follow your workouts (its been a little while / few months ) going thru this process… first it was just gentle cardio- then adding in a tradition strength training split + gentle cardio at the end. Which was a big change for me, after running 5X a week – other cardio – plus, doing your workouts, plus, adding some other things of my own. It was a lot, and lasted a long time. I struggle now, with, even though I have my workouts times better under control – its the “walking” and “walk” in general, I find myself, stressing about – its supposed to be walk as much as possible, can fit in, can do, and can easily make work, not strenuous, etc, I have turned it into a “something that NEEDS ” to happen, and it is typically more of a push, or not as so, an easy walk, the full length. It went from an hour – to 1.5 hours . . with kids, life, and everything else, its a lot, but, I feel like I need to! I don’t want my physique to change, or loose my shape/weight/appearance…but at the same time, I am SO ready for a change, and to feel like, I don’t need to spend 2.5 hours a day occupying it with working out, or worrying about walking more, etc, but to, enjoy more time with my kids, in an already crazy life/very busy schedule. . . . I look at your mind set and admire it.

Its not the program I am doing/just started “isn’t great”, its like 35-40 mins of “more weight training/weighted full body focus” workouts 3 days a week, which is faster pace so, cardio for 30 mins after a bit easier…. Abs the other two days one is weighted and so 30 mins easier cardio – the other is body weight, etc, so I run for 30 mins. Then I try to get a long run in on sat, with some walking after . . . . (plus walking for 1 to 1.5 hrs, each of the other days I workout ) I feel like if I take the walking out – I would have so much more time, or even made it half of what I am doing now, so much would open up…but, I feel like I should do more, but, I am getting tired, and its hard to fit in, and I am getting to that place of, knowing I cant do this forever / long term, its not reasonable, even with the workouts, never mind the walking, so, what do I do . . . leave the workouts, cut the walking out or in half . . . make the workouts a bit longer or add a touch more of cardio – or just cut / cut in half walking, leave workout the way it is . . . other options . . . Or just find a program, that seems to suit better- with weight training/cardio focus, something like yours, and keep my cardio … I’m just wavering back and forth, and laying the options out, and with my mindset, struggling, with still thinking I need “more, more, more” … I find it hard! I keep thinking I need all of this to maintain, where I am at… and I shouldn’t, and if I do, maybe its not reasonable ? You no . . . I would love to know and not be so scared to just cut some stuff, and leave it for 4-6 weeks and see what changes happen, but, I def, need a boost, to do that!
So many options, and variables . . .
Do you have any further suggestions/recommendations ?
With your programs, do you have any suggestions/layouts, or more over the others, that you think would suit better, or like stick to weight ones, or just add weights when possible, do some without too, etc, and just go with it ? (you do feel, that, if I’m not looking to make any major transformational changes, you workouts, are enough to maintain?)
Thank you again!
I hope things are well, with the new baby, and adjusting to everything!
Is your new program going to be more geared towards postpartum, or will it be still suitable for “everyone” ?
Hey Tiffany, I know it has been a while since you left this comment, but I have a similar experience. As a former runner and mom of two, I had somewhat of an endorphin addiction without realizing it had become unhealthy. My health suffered for quite some time. I have been in a recovery process for the last year. I have a difficult time knowing where to start with exercise programs as well. I would love to chat with you via email about your experience.
What do I need for equipment? 20 pound weights. Something to jump on too. What size of deadlift bar? Deadlift plates. Large exercise ball.
Thanks for your help
Amen, Melissa! FINALLY someone who ‘gets it’ and truly embodies passion and listening to the body, without becoming “lazy” and not making the body work! I used to compete in NPC bikini competitions and unfortunately it destroyed my metabolism and hormonal balance. It’s been three years and I finally feel balanced again, however, I have remained active and eat very healthy, but have continued to struggle with weight loss and achieving and sustaining a lean physique. What I can’t seem to understand is why workouts like yours produce the same results (if not better, and definitely healthier!) than lifting 5 days a week in the gym in “splits.” I guess I am still struggling with the idea that working out doesn’t have to be hard or unmanageable, but for such an active person, I have ONLY seen results when I did “train to compete” with that 5-days-a-week-in-the-gym mentality. Maybe you can help clear this up for me? Big hugs, Melissa!
Have you followed Melissa’s 12 week program and have you seen results? I would like to start it and I am hoping to build lean muscle and lose fat. Would you say that diet is a main component and if so, what macros do you follow ? Also, do you change your macros depending on your workouts? I also heard about refeeds. What are your thoughts about that?
I would love the answers to all of your questions !!!
I Think your workouts are great and I am going to start the 12 week program because I just finished the 4 week lean muscle program and would like to try another one. I am still not seeing the results I want which is leaner toned muscles and fat loss. I am guessing it could be my diet. Do you follow a macro breakdown based on your workouts? If so, I would love to know what it is.
Amen, Melissa! FINALLY someone who ‘gets it’ and truly embodies passion and listening to the body, without becoming “lazy” and not making the body work! I used to compete in NPC bikini competitions and unfortunately it destroyed my metabolism and hormonal balance. It’s been three years and I finally feel balanced again, however, I have remained active and eat very healthy, but have continued to struggle with weight loss and achieving and sustaining a lean physique. What I can’t seem to understand is why workouts like yours produce the same results (if not better, and definitely healthier!) than lifting 5 days a week in the gym in “splits.” I guess I am still struggling with the idea that working out doesn’t have to be hard or unmanageable, but for such an active person, I have ONLY seen results when I did “train to compete” with that 5-days-a-week-in-the-gym mentality. Maybe you can help clear this up for me? Big hugs, Melissa!
These workouts will help boost your metabolism and maintain muscle mass, while burning fat. Because of the intensity level you don’t need to workout for as long. You also have the ability to focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscles at once, which increases the overall workout burn.
That said, every body type responds a little bit differently. You can get great results working out in a gym, working out at home, doing full body, or doing splits. It’s really about finding the balance of what works best for you. When I was in graduate school I needed to find the best workout style I could, that took up the least amount of time, and that is when I created BenderFitness.
I hope that helps a bit!
Hi Melissa!
I’m starting this today!! Super excited to get going on this! I have a quick question though. For the workouts do I do just one round for every workout or up to three per workout? For example today: The next few days I think I will be able to do 2 rounds for each of the single workout days. But when day 5 hits, there are 2 different exercises. Is the goal to do as many rounds of both workouts on that day (and days like it?) Thanks!!!
You can combine them any way you want, repeating it up to 3X. For the two exercise days you can do one round of each.
It should say in the breakdown for the daily exercises how many rounds I went, but 1-2 rounds is typical for me. If I pair a workout with cardio it’s usually one round plus cardio.
I hope that helps!
Thank you so much Melissa for sharing your workouts. I am still recovering after breast augmentation so have found it hard to find workouts to suit as ready to workout lower and and but not chest. I am now on day 11 or your bikini model work out and starting to notice changes in my abs and legs. Not sure if I want to compete yet but keener as body develops. Based in NZ there seems to be fewer opportunities.
Thank you for sharing Melissa! I have just started or workout. I am wanting to tone up and have been at a stand still. I have been doing T25 3-4 days a week and running 2-3 miles 3-5 days a week. I also rodeo so I spend a lot of time riding horses and lifting feed buckets. I am hoping with your meal plans and workouts I will have toned body and abs I have always wanted!
Hi Melissa,
I follow you on IG and i have done your workouts many times, especially before my baby came along and am looking forward to trying the first two months of this challenge. We have a trip coming up in exact two months so I am very motivated to push through these two months of improving my fitness and eating habits
Thank you for your videos and posts!