Hi Everyone!
It has been a productive Sunday for me! I filmed this workout, and then went outside for a run with Jesse. We got in 5.55 miles. It’s about 25 degrees outside, so it was pretty cold, but I still managed to work up a good sweat.
For this workout you will need dumbbells, something to step up onto and a yoga mat. When selecting a weight, pick something that is challenging for you. However, you should be able to make it through the reps while maintaining good form. If the last two repetitions feel challenging, but you can still make it through your weights are heavy enough. For the stepping surface, you can vary the height based on your own needs. Lower surfaces will work too (so if you have a staircase handy you can use a step). Higher surfaces will increase the intensity and the range of motion.
You will find my full 12-Week NPC Bikini Competition Prep Workout Series Here.

Update: If you want a sneak peek into my results you can find them here: NPC Bikini Competition Results. I will give you a hint and say that Yes, it is possible to prepare for a bikini competition with home workouts. This was a very fun workout series for me to film, and I hope you all find it as useful and effective as I did. Home workouts are an amazing resource and you can get results without ever stepping into a gym. Plus, they are versatile, so if you like getting out of the house and into a gym setting, you can always take these workouts with you wherever you go.
I hope you all enjoy today’s workout! So far I have gone through it once (right before my run). If I have time after my cooking is done I will repeat it 1 more time.
Have a great day!
More Workouts: https://linktr.ee/BenderFitness
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Beginner: 5 reps weighted, 10 reps body weight
Intermediate: 8 reps weighted, 15 reps body weight
Advanced: 10 reps weighted, 20 reps body weight
1. Squat (weighted)
2. Squat Jump
3. Bicycle Abs
4. Weighted Step Up (right)
5. Single Leg Hop (right)
6. Crunch Tap Abs
7. Weighted Step Up (left)
8. Single Leg Hop (left)
9. Knee Drop Plank
10. Curtsy Lunge Twist (weighted)
11. Side Lunge Jump
12. Temple Tap Crunch
Repeat 1-2X. Optional: Pair with cardio. I paired this routine with a run.
Melissa, I loved this workout!! Thank u! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Kat! 🙂
Melissa, my favorites bar is just getting full of your workouts that I have to do! lol
I don’t like to do lists haha!
Thank you!
Hi Melissa I am training for a 10K run. I vary my workouts ( long runs, fartlek, speed sessions) and include some of your workouts after my actual running training. I would like to improve my fitness when it come to plyometric work as I am not really good at it! would you mind if you do more plyo specific workouts please? I hate the fact that I can run miles but am afraid of jumping hurdles or uncapable of doing a tuck jump without hurting my back grrrr!
Day 18, completed!! Yay!
Thank you, Melissa. This is a great great workout combining legs and arms. I loved it! And yes, you made break a sweat! Uff!
No problems with this one. I grabbed 10lb-dumbbells in each hand to start.
Thanks again, Melissa! 🙂