Hi Everyone,
This post is coming a bit late. My competition was just over a week ago. It’s been very hectic in the Bender household so this is the first chance I have had to update you all! If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you probably already know the results. 🙂

I checked to make sure I had everything I needed: Swimsuit, back up swimsuit (just in case), show jewelry, curling iron, bobby pins, makeup, shoes, baby oil and olive oil spray, hair spray, bikini bite (to glue my suit in place. I actually forgot this, but a nice girl at the show helped me out. Thanks Erica!) I also made sure I had the show information, and my NPC information. You must be a member of the NPC to compete in their shows. At most shows you can register for your NPC membership at the show venue.
The show is broken down into two parts. Pre-judging, and Finals. The Pre-Judging is where most of the actual judging takes place. This is where you do your complete posing routine, and you are called out in groups for comparisons. I competed in two different categories, bikini open and bikini novice. In bikini novice I was switched into Class A, so you can see in the picture below I was super tall compared to the other girls. The classes are divided by height.
Top 3 Bikini Novice Class A |
Bikini Novice had so many girls that it was split into two classes. Open Bikini was split into three categories. I am 5’5 1/2″ so I competed in Class B for bikini Open. For posing bikini requires a front and back pose. Posing looks deceivingly easy. It’s a trick. It is much more difficult to hit poses that show off your muscles correctly than it looks. The girls who took first place in both Bikini Novice and Bikini Open were excellent posers and had great stage presence.
Bikini Novice Class A |
In between pre-juding and finals we had several hours of free time. Jesse and I went out to lunch and shopped around. A lot of people stared at me because of my spray tan. It looked great under stage lighting, but in person I looked like an Oompa Loompa. I ate salmon and veggies for lunch, and had more water and coffee. I also had a protein bar before the finals.
During Finals there is a larger audience, and this is where they reveal all of the placing and people get their trophies. Several of my friends were able to make it to the show, and their cheering kept me smiling the entire time I was on stage.
Top 3 Bikini Novice Class A |
Top 5 Bikini Open Class B |
All of the competitors worked hard, and had a lot of courage to get on stage and compete. There were people of all different ages and backgrounds. It was also interesting to see competitors from other categories. The people competing were able to achieve a lot with their physiques. I had a lot of fun at the show. I have a few friends competing in the Pittsburgh show in May (4 weeks away!) so I think I will join them, and then it will be on to the next challenge. I have some 5K personal records to break, and I think I’m up for the challenge of some longer distance races.
Thank you guys for joining me in my competition journey, and for all of the support! If you are competing let me know how you did!