Challenge Day 3: Muffin Top Meltdown: Exercises to Melt Your Muffin Top

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Hi Everyone!

Challenge Day 3 of my 30 Day Workout Challenge. The consistency of getting in my workouts has already improved my energy and stamina so much! Seeing everyone check in as they progress with the challenge is so motivating. Thank you to all of you who have joined me in this challenge! You rock! 🙂

Today’s video is the same routine that I went through with my boot camp class tonight. It is focused on tightening the entire core, burning fat, and toning the muscles in the well known trouble area often referred to as the Muffin Top. 

To tone your core traditional crunches will not cut it. You need to do a routine that tightens the entire mid-section while also burning any fat that may be hiding your muscles. This routine will do that. This workout utilizes cardio and strengthening exercises that can help tighten the midsection, resulting in dropping inches from your waistline. 

I hope you enjoy the workout!

PS I went through this workout 3 times. Twice with my class, and once in the video. 
PPS If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see a goofy jib jab video my friend Dave made of Jesse and I. 

30 Second Cardio, 50 Second Max Reps

1. Cross Mountain Climber
2. Elbow Tap Hip Lift (right)
3. Elbow Tap Hip Lift (left)
4. 3-Way Froggers
5. Cross Squat and Reach (right)
6. Cross Squat and Reach (left)
7. Oblique Push-up
8. Lunge and Twist (right)
9. Lunge and Twist (left)
10. Side Plank Knee and Lift (right)
11. Side Plank Knee and Lift (left)
12. Goddess Twist
13. Russians
14. Side Plank Reach Through (right)
15. Side Plank Reach Through (left)

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

28 thoughts on “Challenge Day 3: Muffin Top Meltdown: Exercises to Melt Your Muffin Top

  1. Thanks for another great workout Melissa – 3 days done, 27 to go – thank you! Would you be able to start posting the brand of the clothes you are wearing in your videos each day? I reward myself with new workout clothes and always wonder what yours are.

  2. Tanja

    Did Day 1 challenge and this challenge – my cardio were burpees with pull-up on every second burpee instead of a jump. Dripping with sweat, that was super intense! I was just lying down for a minute after the last beep! 🙂 I love how diverse your workouts are and appreciate your and Jesse’s input. Keep going guys!

  3. Gretchen

    I stumbled across your website a few months ago and I love it! You’re such an inspiration and so motivating! I am behind on the 30 day challenge by a few days but going to catch up. Just did your first two workouts back-to-back and they had me dripping in sweat. Thanks for posting such great workouts!

  4. this is my 3 day!!!!! I’m only doing the videos once at least for my fist week i think i would only do it once and maybe by the second week I can add walking or running after the videos will see…..

  5. Anonymous

    wow…i am on the 3rd day and that was torture!!! I even had to modify so many things as i do not have the arm strength or core strength for the pushup and plank moves…but i can feel it working maybe after i finish the 30 days i will have more strength and will start again be able to do the full moves.

  6. I’m about to do this Day 3 Workout and pretty excited! I just started the 30 Day Challenge 4 days ago… I had to take a rest day on the second day and do the 2nd Day workout on Day 3 because I was so sore from the Day 1 workout haha.. I had to log roll my body out of bed and was walking around like a cowboy that whole second day LOL. but I’m already seeing results and I’m so excited to see the end results!
    Thank you for such an amazing challenge! I don’t think I’ve pushed myself this hard in a very long time so I am very grateful for your videos!

  7. Thanks for the FREE workouts. I am on Day 3 and I sure hope to get rid off my muffin top by the time I am done with the 30 days. I have been trying to get rid off my muffin top ever since I had my 2nd son 2 years ago and I really hope to follow thru with these workouts and get back in shape. Thanks

  8. Just finished Day 3… I threw up a little and I am covered in sweat! You kicked my butt and I couldn’t keep up with you and I had to modify a bit but THANK YOU! I love your workouts! I am so grateful for you!

  9. Andi

    I have a love/hate relationship with you Melissa. I’m only on day three and I’ve already had a bad dream about froggers. But damn do I feel good! During the workouts I’m cursing you out with a smile on my face. You’re such an inspiration, thank you for all that you do. 🙂

  10. MomOf3

    Kristi, you can sub side plank hold for side plank lifts. Instead of holding, just lift your hip up and down, a nice controlled move; stagger your feet if it’s too tough to stack one on top of your form!

  11. Melissa, you are such an inspiration and a go-getter! I lost 35 pounds over 12-weeks with your 30-day challenge,. While I have recently moved and am settled, I have revisited your challenge. I am 2-weeks in and I still love it!! I see transformations before my eyes due to your strategic and brilliant design of daily exercises.

    I have tried different venues/programs and since concluded that yours is the best, for several reasons: you can do all you need without paying a hefty gym fee – just stay home; you are a real person who struggles on some days too; the exercises seem achievable for most (if not all people); and your enthusiasm helps to pull your audience through. Last, your motto -“Fitness should be free” – is noble and true, so I thank you for allowing me (and others) to take advantage of your knowledge and expertise to work towards a better me.

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