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Bikini Prep/Body Sculpt: Workout 21: Tighter Tummy Sculpt

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Hi Everyone!

Last night’s workout is focused on sculpting a tighter tummy. A strong core is imperative to a healthy lifestyle. Your core impacts the biomechanics of your entire body. 

One round of this workout takes 15 minutes. If you want to increase the intensity you can incorporate 30-45 second intervals of jump rope or high knees between each exercise. 

I paired this workout with a 4 mile run. I kept the pace at 8 minutes per mile. I am looking forward to incorporating some speed work in the upcoming weeks. I will be posting all about it so be sure to check back! 

Also, don’t forget that the next 30 Day Challenge starts on Saturday. I am planning on posting some nutrition tips and meal ideas along with the challenge. It’s very common for people to struggle with the dietary side of things. I do not eat 100% clean all the time, but as my next NPC bikini competition comes closer I will certainly be focusing on nutrition a bit more. 

Enjoy the workout!

10/50 Second Intervals
Repeat 1-3X

1. 3 Park Abs
2. Temple Tap Abs
3. Crescent Plank (right)
4. Crescent Plank (left)
5. Heel Tap Abs
6. Angel Abs
7. Plank Crunch
8. Russian Twist
9. Elbow Tap Hip Lift (right)
10. Elbow Tap Hip Lift (left)
11. Boat Lift
12. Slow Mountain Climber
13. Leg Scissor
14. Tricep Leg Lift
15. Cheek to Cheek

*I paired this workout with 30 minutes of Cardio. 

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