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Quick Full Body HIIT Workout

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Hi Everyone!

I’m back with brand new workouts! I am so excited to finally feel better. My car accident was over a month ago, but I wanted to make sure my neck was 100% better before getting back to full workouts. 

This is a quick, full body workout. I paired it with a 30 minute run (4.03 miles) for a total workout time of 45 minutes. I didn’t want to push it to much for my first workout back so I limited the number of rounds I did, but you can repeat this routine up to four times. 

This is a great workout for burning fat and sculpting lean muscle. 

When deciding how many rounds you should do a good rule of thumb is to keep workouts between 30 and 60 minutes total. You can do 1-2 rounds and pair it with 30 minutes of cardio, or up the rounds and do the workout alone. 

I hope you enjoy the workout!

PS: Fit Fashions today are from I am a brand Ambassador for Affitnity, and Bender Fitness fans can always get 15% off at checkout with the code: BenderFitness 
Equipment: Gymboss Interval Timer set for 15 rounds of 10/50. 

1. Burpee
2. Heel Tap Abs
3. Jump Squat
4. Elbow Tap Hip Lift (right)
5. Elbow Tap Hip Lift (left)
6. Lunge Jump
7. V-Up Pushups
8. Warrior III Fold with Lift (right)
9. Warrior III Fold with Lift (left)
10. Burpee
11. Leg Circles
12. Jump Squat
13. Plank Hydrant (right)
14. Plank Hydrant (left)
15. Lunge Jump

Repeat 1-4X

Lunge Jump: Start in a lunge position. Spring upwards and switch legs. 
Rolling V-Up Push-ups: Complete 1 pushup, roll over and complete a v-up (reaching for the toes)
Roll, push-up. 

Hydrant Plank: Come into a plank position.
Bring one knee below you, keeping the knee bent lift it out to the side.
Keep the core tight throughout the movement.
Repeat on the other side. 

Warrior III Fold to Lift: Start in a Warrior III position.
Bend Forward and touch the ground (or a chair).
Lift the heel to come onto your toes.
Return to Starting Position.
Repeat on both sides. 

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