Hi Everyone!
Today is Day 12 of my HIIT the New Year Hard Workout Challenge. Today is a full body workout. I incorporated some new move variations. I hope you like them!
Remember, if you are feeling very sore/worn out during the challenge you can take an active rest day and do some gentle walking or yoga.
I did this workout in intervals, but you can also do it for reps (Beginners: 10, Intermediate: 15, Advanced: 20). Remember to challenge yourself. Through challenge we change, progress, and grow stronger.
Today’s Fit Fashion: My outfit is from www.affitnity.com. You can get 15% off all purchases with the code BenderFitness at checkout.
I hope you have fun with this workout!
Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!
Set your Interval Timer for 15 rounds of 10/50 seconds.
1. Low Jack Burpee
2. Heel Tap Plank
3. Step Out Pushups
4. Reach & Tap Plank
5. Hip Thrust (Alternating)
6. Surfer Burpee
7. Triple Kick (right)
8. Triple Kick (left)
9. Table Kick (right)
10. Table Kick (left)
11. Lunge Jump Burpee
12. Punch & Crunch
13. Twisted V-Up (right)
14. Twisted V-Up (left)
15. Toe Touch Hip Lift
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Add 30 Minutes Cardio
Melissa, I’ve been following your workouts for several months, and I absolutely love them. I moved to a new town and have not joined a gym yet because I am having so much fun with your workouts (and running). Thank you for your time and teaching, and thank you for making these workouts free to the public. I have one request for you: could you comment/post on some specific nutrition habits (not just food intake, but mental habits you use to approach food)? Specifically–are you a rock star that easily sticks to a healthy diet regimen? If so, how did you become that? Or, do you have binges and food remorse, and, if so, how do you deal with that? I’m impressed that you keep a lean physique for the long-haul (you don’t just “diet down”), and I’d like to learn how to get out of the diet yo-yo mentality and adopt the mentality of a consistent, life-long healthy person. Any advice / tips from your personal experience would be appreciated. Cheers!
Great workout, always a pleasure to workout with you. Melissa, are you really hosting on Bodyrock in the spring? That would be awesome – for us and for you as well. You deserve all the attention
Fantastic exercises!
2 rounds!
Excellent workout! It’s unbelievable how you always find great new variations! You are keeping me motivated for almost a year! Thank you