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HIIT the New Year Hard: Workout 21: 22 Minute HIIT Sweat Body Weight Workout

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Hi Everyone!

This is workout #21 of my HIIT the New Year Hard Workout ChallengeToday’s workout is going to get you sweaty! Are you ready for some HIIT?

All you need for this workout is a yoga mat and jump rope. Don’t have those? It’s okay, you can still do the workout without them (your floor might get a little sweaty though!)

At the beginning of today’s workout video I show a modification for the Heel Tap Jump Squat. If you are just starting out your workout journey and building up your strength/endurance you can use the Jump Rope intervals as a rest break between exercises. Work to your own level, and build up to the more difficult variations.

If the workout is hard, that’s a good thing. If it isn’t challenging you it isn’t teaching your body how to improve your strength and endurance. The human body is incredibly efficient at adaptation. That is why keeping your workouts challenging is imperative to making improvements. 

Every once in a while I get someone who comments “you can’t even do your own workout! You’re sweating and breathing hard!” That makes me smile, because if I wasn’t challenging myself it wouldn’t be much of a workout. Remember, these are the actual workouts I do to stay in shape and maintain my level of fitness. I don’t sneak off to the gym secretly. This is it. 🙂 

I am hosting a 30 Day Bonus Move Workout Challenge on my Instagram Page. You can find me: @BenderFitness

Have fun getting sweaty!

PS You can also find me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter. Jesse has also been posting Sneak Peek workout videos on his Instagram account. 

PPS Fit Fashion: Workout top is from You can find the link for this top HERE. You can always use the discount code BenderFitness for 15% off of your purchase at checkout. The shoes are Brooks Glycerin (no discount code, sorry!) I don’t remember where I got the leggings. 

Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 16 Rounds of 30/50. 

*Every 30 Second Interval Cardio of Choice: Jump Rope or High Knees
**Warm-up Before all workouts to maximize your results, and protect yourself from injury.**

  -Jump Rope
1. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
2. Side Plank Reach Through (right)
  -Jump Rope
3. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
4. Side Plank Reach Through (left)
  -Jump Rope
5. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
6. Supergirl Pushup
  -Jump Rope
7. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
8. Heel Press Plank (right)
  -Jump Rope
9. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
10. Heel Press Plank (left)
  -Jump Rope
11. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
12. Plank Crunch
  -Jump Rope
13. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
14. Knee Drop Plank
  -Jump Rope
15. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  -Jump Rope
16. Cheek to Cheek Plank

Repeat 1-3X

**Cool Down after your workout!**

Jump Rope
Side Plank Reach Through (part 1)
Side Plank Reach Through (part 2)
Supergirl Push-up 
Heel Press Plank
Plank Crunch
Knee Drop Plank
Cheek to Cheek Plank
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