HIIT the New Year Hard Workout Challenge: Workout 1

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Hi Everyone!

It’s the first day of my HIIT the New Year Hard Workout & DietBet Challenge

The DietBet Challenge doesn’t officially start until January 3rd (and you can register even after it starts), but the earlier you start the more time you have to achieve your goal, so I am starting the workouts early. If you haven’t joined the challenge yet you can do so at www.dietbet.com/BenderFitness for a chance to win $ and prizes while losing weight!

I also started my Instagram Bonus Move Challenge today! You can find me on Instagram @BenderFitness. I will be posting a new Instagram Challenge move every day this month. Plus you will still get sneak peeks for all of my workouts while I work on getting the full length workout uploaded. 

Workout #1 is a full body workout that will keep your heart rate up and challenge your entire body. One round of this workout takes 22 Minutes. Remember to push yourself during each 50 second interval. If you need a break, that’s okay, but get back into the workout as soon as you are able to. 

Don’t get down on yourself if the workout is hard. It’s supposed to be hard. The challenge is what makes you stronger and healthier. Focus on getting a little bit better, or going for a longer period of time before you take a rest break. Fitness doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistency you will see improvements quickly! When I first started working out I couldn’t run more than a few blocks at a time without stopping to walk. We all start somewhere. Don’t give up on yourself or your health. You are worth the effort. 

Happy New Year! I think it’s going to be a great one!

PS You can also find me on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.  🙂

*Fit Fashion: My top is from www.affitnity.com and you can get 15% off with the code BenderFitness at checkout. 

Set Your Gymboss Interval Timer for 22 rounds of 10/50. 
You can get your interval timer Here

1. High Knees
2. 1-Leg Tricep Squat (right)
3. 1-Leg Tricep Squat (left)
4. High Knees
5. Bridge Hopper (right)
6. Bridge Hopper (left)
7. High Knees
8. Lunge Jump
9. Jump Squat
10. High Knees
11. Superman
12. Butt Lift with Chair
13. High Knees
14. Oblique V-Up (right)
15. Oblique V-Up (left)
16. High Knees
17. Temple Tap Abs
18. Crunch & Tap
19. High Knees
20. Supergirl Pushups
21. Knee Drop Plank
22. High Knees

Repeat 1-2X

*I am still recovering from my cold so I went through this workout 1X today. I also did the Advanced version of the workout move from my Instagram Workout Challenge: Day 1

High Knees
1-Leg Tricep Squat
Instagram Tutorial Here
Bridge Hopper
Instagram Tutorial Here
Lunge Jump
Jump Squat
Butt Lift with Chair
Oblique V-Up
Temple Tap Abs
Crunch & Tap 
Supergirl Push-up
Knee Drop Plank

21 thoughts on “HIIT the New Year Hard Workout Challenge: Workout 1

  1. Anonymous

    Wish you could make a list of the workouts as you have made of every other 30 day challenge. So its easier to find the workouts when I want to start the 30 day challenge. 🙂 Thanks for doing this 30 day challenges I am so excited! Especially about February! You are the best!

  2. This was a great workout, thank you Melissa. I have been working out with you since your very first workouts and you just keep getting better and better (if it´s even possible :))

  3. Anonymous

    Wow! You are great for posting all these workouts. I will start the challenge today and I hope to lose the 10pds I need. Thanks for all you do! Thanks, Yanet

  4. Anonymous

    Hey Melissa! Love the web page…quick question about your workout routine!
    My name is Meghan, I’m a college student who does a lot of cardio and weight training I”ve been following your workouts for a while, your workouts seem to incorporate a lot of body weight and cardio…do you have a separate weight lifting session or weight lifting routine that you use to prepare for competitions? or do you just use the videos?


  5. Hi Melissa. I found your website after I found your body bootcamp workout on dailyhiit.com. I decided to start with your 30 day challenge instead. I love it!!!! I also love how you blend in yoga into the week as well–not a lot of programs do–and flexibility and core is important. I am looking forward to the next 30 with you. I know I am late but I get to see your face everyday so it works for me.

    Thank you for all that you do.


  6. Shannon

    Is there a place I can print the 30 days off with the example pic’s you have provided for each move? I just wondered if there was one place I could go to print them all or if I have to print from individual pages. Hope my question makes sense!

  7. I’ve been working on this particular workout for 2 weeks and finally finished all the way through! I still added a few extra breaks, but I WILL get this down in the next 2 weeks! Thanks for all you do and blessings on the pregnancy! (Oh, my kids love your workouts too!)

  8. Tiera

    I just completed this workout O.M.G. You are amazing. I can’t believe you were able to talk throughout the workout!
    Thanks for posting these amazing workouts and being so detailed.
    Congrats on the new addition.

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