20 Minutes Per Round: Full Body Workout

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 Hi Everyone! 

I hope you’re ready for today’s workout! In this workout I alternated 30 seconds of dumbbell exercises between each 50-second interval. 

I hope you enjoy this workout. The format is a little bit different, but it is really great for your body to switch up the challenge. For the last two exercises I used a chair, but you can also use a stability ball or a bench. 

Using a chair for back extensions was tricky, because technically the surface you are on should come up to the hinge area of your hip (where you bend). It is much easier to position correctly on a stability ball. I chose to use the chair in this workout because not everyone has a stability ball at home. The other option is to substitute a Superman for this move. 

When I create my workouts I try to think of functional alternatives to equipment that most people will have available at home. 

I hope you enjoy the workout!


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   -In/Out Squat
1. Knee Crunch Extension
   -In/Out Squat
2. Squat to Forward Reach
   -In/Out Squat
3. Bridge March
   -In/Out Squat
4. Squat to Side Leg Lift (right)
   -In/Out Squat
5. Squat to Side Leg Lift (left)
   -Lunge Rotation
6. Side Plank Knee Rotation (right)
   -Lunge Rotation
7. Side Plank Knee Rotation (left)
   -Lunge Rotation
8. High Knee Step
   -Lunge Rotation
9. Standing Hydrant (right)
   -Lunge Rotation
10. Standing Hydrant (left)
   -Romanian Deadlift
11. Split Leg Lift (right)
   -Romanian Deadlift
12. Split Leg Lift (left)
   -Romanian Deadlift
13. Side Lunge Dumbbell Reach (alternating)
   -Romanian Deadlift
14. Back Raise/Extension
   -Romanian Deadlift
15. Butt Lift

Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 15-30 Minutes Cardio of Choice

In/Out Squat

Knee Crunch Extension: Part 1

Knee Crunch Extension: Part 2

Squat to Forward Reach: Part 1

Squat to Forward Reach: Part 2

Bridge March

Squat to Side Leg Lift: Part 1

Squat to Side Leg Lift: Part 2
Lunge Rotation

Side Plank Knee Rotation: Part 1

Side Plank Knee Rotation: Part 2

High Knees March

Standing Hydrant

Romanian Deadlift

Split Leg Lift: Part 1

Split Leg Lift: Part 1

Side Lunge Dumbbell Reach (alternating)

Back Raise/Back Extension

Butt Lift

13 thoughts on “20 Minutes Per Round: Full Body Workout

  1. kimberly beidler

    After completion of this 4 week challenge, do you recommend redoing this challenge or moving on to another week by week challenge to give your body a rest?

    BTW Love LOVE your workouts. They are challenging and the fact that I donot have to pay or think of what workout to do at 5 am is perfect!

    • benderfitness

      Either option would work! The fun thing about repeating is that you will notice that you are able to get in more reps/push harder the second time you go through it. That said, if you get bored easily and do better with change move on to one of the 30-Day Challenges!

  2. Adrienne Williams

    I just finished your ‘Lean Muscle Building Challenge’!!! In the past I’ve been strictly a runner (some weight experience but I hated weights.) After the birth of each of my 3 kids running/exercise became less and less frequent. I’ve been miserable about it for a least a year and then I came across your blog on Pinterest! Oh my goodness, I’m addicted to this style of workout! I wouldn’t be motivated to do it alone in my house, but I love working out with you in live time. You challenge and encourage me. I’m a month in and already seeing results. Thank you thank you!

  3. Brandy

    This is being added to my Favorites!! I LOVED the 30 second weight intervals, and the fact that they changed! Awesome as always, girl.

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