Bender Boot Camp & Weighted Workout Challenge: Full Body Sculpt

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Hi Everyone!

Today’s workout is a mash-up of one of my Boot Camp Workouts and a Weighted Workout. Jesse and I planned to do a VO2 Max Running Workout at the track today. A crazy thunderstorm blew rained on our plans, so we did these two workouts instead.

We did one round of each workout. It was challenging. My glutes were a little bit tired from yesterdays 15 Minute Standing Lower Body Workout. The Bender Boot Camp workout was filmed while I was training for my first NPC Bikini Competition, so I was very lean and strong. It was a good motivator for me to focus on making healthier food choices.

I was able to get through this workout faster this time, than I did when I filmed the video below. I did the workout along with the video, but if you prefer to do it interval style the breakdown is below. For the weighted workout we did 12 Reps of each exercise.

I hope you enjoy these workouts! It’s fun sometimes to go back and repeat some of my older workouts. They are still challenging for me!



Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!

Beginner: 10 reps, 30 seconds timed exercises
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 seconds
Advanced: 20 reps, 60 seconds

Or: Go for Max Reps during each 50 second interval, with 10-20 seconds of rest between exercises. 

Round 1:
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Frogger Hip Thrust
3. Pendulum Squat
4. High Knees
5. Side Plank Hip Lift (right)
6. Side Plank Hip Lift (left)
7. Jump Squat
8. Temple Tap Abs
9. Burpee
10. Russians

Round 2:
1. High Knees
2. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (right)
3. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (left)
4. Lunge Kick (right)
5. Lunge Kick (left)
6. Mountain Climbers
7. Twisting Situp
8. Plank Crunch
9. Prone Heel Tap
10. High Knees

Reps: 8-12 Per Weighted Exercise, 10 Burpees Between Each Exercise. Or Perform this Routine Interval Style: Set Your Timer for 5 Rounds of 30/50 and go for Max Reps.

  1. Burpee
  2. Romanian Deadlift
  3. Burpee
  4. Row
  5. Burpee
  6. Front Squat
  7. Burpee
  8. Chair Leg Raise
  9. Burpee
  10. Goblet Squat

Repeat 1-4X

7 thoughts on “Bender Boot Camp & Weighted Workout Challenge: Full Body Sculpt

  1. Greta

    I really enjoy your workouts!
    This may be unrelated but can you recommend a substitute for plank? I have carpal tunnel in both wrists.

    • benderfitness

      One option is to purchase pushup bars. They are two individual handles and it keeps your wrists in a neutral position (your hand in a fist) so there isn’t so much pressure on your carpal tunnel. You can also do plank on your forearms for the same reason.

      For alternative exercises: Standing Core Exercises This is a great one for some alternative movements that will keep you off your hands. 🙂 Hope that helps!

  2. Michelle

    just rocked out your lower body and the new one you posted today,,,,,,,,loved it girl!!! out for a swim now!!!

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