Hi Everyone!
Today’s workout is low impact (no jumping), but very effective! The focus of this workout is on the lower body. I also filmed a Handstand Core Workout Challenge. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page (past the photo tutorial!) for the Handstand Challenge. You can complete both if you want a more full body workout, or do them in separate training sessions.
If you aren’t sure of the moves I encourage you to check out the video before going through the routine. I used a resistance band during this workout to increase the intensity, but that is optional. You can also do this routine with body weight only.
For the Handstand Challenge, I lost my balance several times while filming. I didn’t re-film, because I want you all to see the process. You don’t start practicing something & automatically succeed the first time. I am sharing my journey with you all & that includes the times I lose balance or need a rest break. Hopefully in the not to distant future I will have some progress to show you!
My Weekend Update: Jesse is feeling much better. Big thanks to everyone who wished him a speedy recovery from his stomach bug. Thank goodness it was quick!
Yesterday we went to Wizard World Comic Con (I love everything Superhero related!) We got to meet some of our favorite celebrities. We might James Marsters-who played Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spike was my favorite character, on my favorite show, so it was a total nerd moment for me. We also met Jason David Frank-Tommy from Power Rangers. He is an incredibly talented Martial Artist & 7th degree Black Belt.
I will be posting new workouts this week, but you can also follow the schedule posted HERE if you want to follow a more structured program & know what’s coming ahead.
Have fun with today’s workout!
Beginner: 10 Reps
Intermediate: 15 Reps
Advanced: 20 Reps
- Table Calf Raise-Right
- Table Calf Raise-Left
- Raised Leg Adduction-Right
- Raised Leg Adduction-Left
- Leg Series-Right
- Leg Series-Left
- Inner Thigh Squeeze-Right
- Inner Thigh Squeeze-Left
- Wall Toe Touch Abduction-Right
- Wall Toe Touch-Abduction-Left
- Wall Glute Bridge Step Out-Right
- Wall Glute Bridge Step Out-Left
- Prone Dancer Stretch-Right
- Prone Dancer Stretch-Left
Repeat 1-3X
Handstand Bonus Challenge:
I can’t wait to try that handstand challenge. Love your style of putting things together Melissa… All you do here is so appreciated… Love you and thanks
Thank you so much!
Was Awesome