Hi Everyone!
Today’s workout kicked my butt! I hope you’re ready for this one!
Be sure to warm-up before the workout, and cool down after the workout. For a warm-up you should do 5-10 minutes of dynamic exercises (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging, leg swings, etc) to get your body warm & ready to work at a high level of intensity.
For your cool down, be sure to do some gentle jumping jacks, or jogging in place to let your heart rate calm down. Then you can finish with some stretching.
This workout is a fantastic cardio burning and muscle sculpting routine. I used two 15-pound dumbbells. You can choose whatever amount of weight is appropriate for you, or perform the exercises with body weight only. The weights do increase the intensity & burn, so I definitely recommend using them if they are available.
Push yourself to get in as many reps per exercise as you can. It’s a great way to track your progress. Next time I repeat this workout I will be trying to improve the number of repetitions I get in. It will help me to really work at my maximum intensity because I will have a goal to work toward.
Do you have any techniques you use to motivate yourself to push through your workouts for maximum reps? If so post in the comments below or let me know on Facebook.
Have fun with this one!
Equipment: 2 Dumbbells, Chair or Bench
Interval Timer: 18 Rounds of 10/50
Beginner: 10 reps, 30 Seconds Cardio Bursts
Intermediate: 15 reps, 40 Seconds Cardio Bursts
Advanced: 20 reps, 50 Seconds Cardio Bursts
- High Knees
- Burpees
- Warrior Deadlift-Right
- Warrior Deadlift-Left
- High Knees
- Burpees
- Chair Squat Pendulum Press-Right
- Chair Squat Pendulum Press-Left
- High Knees
- Burpees
- Runner’s Lunge Lift-Right
- Runner’s Lunge Lift-Left
- High Knees
- Burpees
- Modified Pistol Squat Tap (Sit to Stand)-Right
- Modified Pistol Squat Tap (Sit to Stand)-Left
- High Knees
- Burpees
Repeat 1-3X

High Knees: Run in place, focusing on keeping your core tight and engaged, and driving the knees as high as you can.

Burpee: Part 2: Jump your feet forward from plank position. Lift your hands and get ready to spring up.

Burpee: Part 3: Jump as high as you can. Try to touch the ceiling (or sky if you are lucky enough to workout outside!)

Warrior Deadlift: Part 1: Hold Dumbbells in front of you, with your palms facing your body. Keep the core strong and engaged. Extend one leg behind you.

Warrior Deadlift: Part 2: Keep the back flat (most important part of this move!), hinge forward at the hips, let your arms hang in front of your body. Keep your hips closed and your knee & both hip bones pointed toward the floor. Lift from the glutes and hands strings to return to starting position.

Chair to Pendulum Squat & Press: Part 1: Hold a dumbbell at shoulder height. Keep both knees pressing together, and thighs squeezing. Sink your hips backward into chair pose (like you are about to sit on a chair).

Chair to Pendulum Squat & Press: Part 2: Press through your heels to come up from chair pose. Lift your leg into a pendulum swing, keeping your knee facing forward. At the same time, press the dumbbell toward the ceiling. Bring the weight back to your shoulders, and the legs together to return to chair pose.

Runner’s Lunge Lift: Part 1: Start with both feet together. Take a large step backward until you come into a runner’s lunge. Hold a dumbbell between both hands, at shoulder height. For the Runner’s Lunge keep the back leg straight, chest lifted, and your front thigh parallel with the ground.)

Runner’s Lunge Lift: Part 2: From the lunge position lean forward with a flat back. Keeping both feet on the floor, hold onto the weight and place it in front of your foot. Press through the heel of the front leg to lift your back leg/heel toward the ceiling. Use a controlled motion to return the back foot to the ground. Firmly grasp the weight, keeping the back flat, and return to starting position.
My motivation is that I feel so good after your workouts and one day maybe I will look like you!:)
Hi, Melissa I am planning to start your 30 day challenge tomorrow any advice with the nutrition part. Thanks
Hi Louise, It depends on your goal: Weight loss, building muscle, general health.
I posted links to some articles you might find helpful below:
This is a sample meal plan I created: https://www.benderfitness.com/2014/09/bender-fitness-diet-bet-sample-meal-plan.html
5-Rules to Improve your Nutrition: https://www.benderfitness.com/2014/03/5-rules-to-improve-your-nutrition-and-diet.html
How to Eat Clean-5 Rules for Success: https://www.benderfitness.com/2014/04/how-to-eat-clean-5-tips-for-success.html
Bender Bikini-Competition Diet: https://www.benderfitness.com/2013/10/bender-bikini-competition-diet.html
awesome workout :))
Very tough workout but I loved it
Such an awesome workout today Melissa !!! Loved it :))
Loved this workout!!!! It kicked my butt. Thank you Melissa.
I like the printout! Those would be cool to combine in a notebook. Thanks!
Just finished the workout. That was tough but I so needed it. Thanks Melissa & Jesse!
Great work out today, thanks so much. You are such an inspiration!
I did one round intervals along with your video and one round for reps which took 29 minutes, then finished up with your 10 minute tighter waist core workout. Absolutely dripping with sweat!!! Thanks guys!!
Just finished 1 round of this WO. Those high kneese and burpees killed me!!! Thank you Melissa for this wonderful torture!:)
Good thing you didn’t write burpies in the title. I may have skipped this one.
hoa Nelly! you kicked my butt today!! Awesome workout for a quick burn!
Just finished 1 round and such an awesome sweat I worked up!
I thought I’d have to modify the burpees because of my 34-weeks baby bump, but with extra focus on correct form and super tight core I got in 10-11 reps during each interval
Thanks for yet another great workout Melissa and Jesse!