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Cardio HIIT & Legs and Abs Express Workout

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Hi Everyone!

We are already half way through the workout week. I have two workouts for you today. The videos and breakdowns are below. You can pair them together or choose to repeat one. I recommend aiming for 30-60 minutes total workout time.

There is a workout tutorial for the Cardio HIIT video, and both full length workout videos. Be sure to warm up before getting started. It really makes a difference in how hard you can push during the workout, and will maximize your results. After the workout, do a gentle cool down. Once your heart rate has slowed down you can finish with some stretching. Try this: Post Run Recovery Stretch: Stretches Injury Prevention for Athletes.

Last night Jesse & I taught a Boot Camp class. We had a great turn out. The Softball and Hockey teams used the workout as their conditioning workout this week. I have two new Boot Camp workout videos to film for you all. You will get the same workouts I used with our class the last few weeks.

Before class started. The whole gym ended up being full.

I hope you enjoy today’s workouts! Have fun!

Workout Tutorial: 

Cardio HIIT Workout: Full Length

10/50 Second Intervals

1. Frogger
2. Lunge Jump
3. Mountain Climber
4. Squat Jump
5. High Knee Kicks
6. Plie Jump
7. Burpee
8. Jump Kick (right)
9. Jump Kick (left)
10. Frogger Pushup
11. X-Jump (Cheer Jump)
12. Surfer
13. Pendulum Hop
14. Warrior 3 Kick (right)
15. Warrior 3 Kick (left)

Plie Jump: Knees Stay Open, Back/Chest Stay Lifted.
Land Toe to Heel.

Legs & Abs Express Workout:

Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

Repeat 1-3X

1. Toe Touch Situp
2. Extended Bridge (right)
3. Extended Bridge (left)
4. Bicycle
5. Deep Squat Lunge
6. Plie Heel Lift
7. Ab Clap
8. Forearm Plank Press

Toe Touch Situp
Toe Touch Situp
Extended Bridge
Plie Heel Pulse
Forearm Plank Lift


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