Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time! Today’s workout takes 21-Minutes Per Round. This is a full body workout, with cardio bursts in between each exercise. Push yourself to get in the maximum number of repetitions during each interval & round of cardio.
This workout can be repeated to increase the intensity. Be sure to warm-up before the workout with some dynamic movements to get your heart rate up and your blood flowing (jumping jacks, jump rope, jogging in place, leg swings). This will maximize your body’s ability to work at a high level of intensity and get the most out of your workout. It will also help prevent injury.
Jesse and I took the day off of working out to focus on a home improvement project. With major help from Jesse’s dad we put in hardwood flooring! I am completely wiped out after our hard work, so I am going to get some rest, and plan a good workout for tomorrow.
BenderFitness Studio’s new floors!
I am now just over 13-Weeks Pregnant, and although I feel great, for the last two weeks I have been very fatigued. I have been taking more rest days, and sleeping more than usual. Baby Bender must be growing! I will keep posting old workouts here on the days when I don’t film, but there are new workouts from both Jesse and I headed your way. Cant’ wait to try out the new floors!
13-Week Baby Bump. Baby Bender is still doing a good job of hiding! Baby is about the size of a Peach this week.
Quick reminder: My new DietBet Challenge starts Sunday January 3rd. If one of your goals this year is weight loss, this game is a great motivator. The way it works: you place a bet that you can lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. If you achieve your goal you are a winner. All winners split the jackpot! So you can make money for achieving your weight loss goals. In the past participants have had great results! You can sign up here: www.dietbet.com/benderfitness.
Have fun with today’s workout!
PS: Today’s fit fashion is from www.Affitnity.com and you can always get 15% off your total order with the code BenderFitness at checkout.
*Disclaimer: For hosting my Diet Bet Challenge I do get a portion of the jackpot. I always want to keep this site and my workouts free because I believe that everyone has the right to be healthy. That will never change. I want to make some upgrades to the website, our camera, and help offset some of the costs of running a blog. Participating in paid opportunities helps me to do that. I will never share or promote a product that I don’t believe in and/or use personally.
*Cardio of Choice: High Knees, Jump Jacks, Jump Rope
Set Your Interval Timer for 16 Rounds of 30/50.
Repeat 1-3X