Hi Everyone!
Tonight is a Boot Camp night for me, so Jesse and I will be teaching a 40-Minute HIIT (separated into two 20-Minute Rounds that are repeated) workout with a 10-Minute Warm up and 10-Minute Cool Down.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Have fun with it, but push hard and work up a sweat. Remember, during HIIT you should be pushing hard and breathing heavy. The goal is to get in as many reps as possible during each interval with good form. If it’s to difficult to maintain form during the timed workout, you can switch it up and do the workout for reps instead.
Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!
Set your Interval Timer for 16 rounds of 10/50 seconds.
Beginner: 10 Reps
Intermediate: 15 Reps
Advanced: 20 Reps
*High Knees or Jump Rope: 60 Seconds or 150 Reps.
1. High Knees or Jump Rope
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Temple Tap Abs
4. Walking Pushups
5. High Knees or Jump Rope
6. Mountain Climbers
7. Angel Abs
8. Plank Crunch
9. High Knees or Jump Rope
10. Mountain Climbers
11. V-Up
12. Knee Drop Plank
13. High Knees or Jump Rope
14. Mountain Climbers
15. Hip Lift Toe Touch
16. Spiderman Plank Extension
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30-Minutes Cardio of Choice