Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time!
I have been greatly enjoying being off of work today! It’s amazing how much more I can get done during the extra time in my day! I finally had time to film a brand new workout for you. This is a low impact, but effective workout for your entire body. I used one 15-lb dumbbell in this workout, but you can go with a heavier dumbbell (or two!) to increase the challenge.
One round of this workout will only take 12-Minutes if you decide to go through it HIIT style. I also posted a Repetition option with the video below. These quick workouts can be done alone, repeated, or stacked with other workouts to create a more intense training session. There are over 700-different workout videos on this website, so you have plenty to choose from!
I posted my Lean Muscle Stretch & Fat Burn: 20-Minute HIIT Home Workout this morning for all of my early bird friends looking for a BenderFitness workout to start the day right.
I am currently 26 Weeks and 6 Days pregnant, so almost 27 weeks already. A full term pregnancy is 40-Weeks (technically 10-Months), so I have 3-Months left to go. My due date in June 29th, but I have a feeling that Baby Bender won’t be making his appearance until early July.

Almost 27-Weeks Pregnant! 26 Weeks & 6 Days Pregnant.
I feel fantastic with my pregnancy. I have heard horror stories about being pregnant, so I have to admit I expected that it was something I was going to endure until the baby is born. I have been pleasantly surprised! I love being pregnant. I love feeling my active little guy kicking, rolling, and bouncing around. I love seeing him move in my belly. I like that he kicks when I sing him songs, and I am convinced that his favorite song is “Feeling Good,” but that may be because it’s my favorite song to sing.
I have been keeping a Pregnancy Fitness Journal, and logging my workouts throughout. I don’t always get in a formal workout, but I try to be active for at least 30-Minutes per day, whether that is running, walking, doing a workout, or teaching a fitness class. As a result I am feeling fantastic.
I am eating a wide variety of foods. Studies have shown that what you eat during your pregnancy helps shape the babies food preferences in life. I love vegetables, and that is primarily what I am craving. Being home today gave me a chance to try out my new Spiralizer and make a delicious & simple meal of Zucchini Noodles in Sun Dried Tomato Pesto with Sliced Grape Tomatoes. SO GOOD! Baby Bender did plenty of moving after I ate, so I think he liked it too.

Homemade Zucchini Noodles with Sundried Tomato Pesto and Grape Tomatoes.
I really hope you enjoy today’s workout! Even if you aren’t pregnant, it’s a good one. Focus on form during each exercise, and select a weight that challenges you. I combined this workout with a 3.1 Mile Treadmill run, and a 10-Minute walking cool down. I took a quick break at the 2-Mile mark to make sure I wasn’t over-doing it, and I continuously monitored my effort by talking to the baby during my run. I was able to keep a talking pace & finished in a total time of 27:27 (not including my 1-2 minute rest break after mile 2). During pregnancy it’s important to monitor your effort level.
Have fun, and let me know what you think about the workout!
PS I am still teaching longer, HIIT Boot Camp Workouts 1X Per Week, and I have several to film for you. Jesse is at work & I was nervous to try and film anything higher impact without him here. I don’t want to knock over the tripod & camera, but I do want to show you how I am modifying these workouts.
Remember, pregnant or not, listen to your body, focus on form & get in those workouts!
PPS I am already addicted to my Spiralizer. I made Ginger Seared Salmon in Tahini Broth with Green Chile-Scallion Relish and Zucchini Noodles. It was a variation of this recipe from Inspiralized.com. I just modified to use the ingredients I had at home.

Ginger Seared Salmon in Tahini Broth with Green Chili-Scallion Relish & Zucchini Noodles.
Set Your Timer for 12 Rounds of 10/50 and go for Max Reps.
Level 1: 10 Reps Per Exercise
Level 2: 15 Reps Per Exercise
Level 3: 20 Reps Per Exercise
- Bent Over Row-Right
- Bent Over Row-Left
- Squat, Curl & Press
- Tricep Drop
- Side to Side Lunge
- Reverse Lunge Lift-Right
- Reverse Lunge Lift-Left
- Warrior Deadlift-Right
- Warrior Deadlift-Left
- Second Position Plie Squat
- Pelvic Tilt Wall Sit
- First Position Grand Plie
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30-Minutes Cardio of Choice
Don’t pay attention to those stories pregnancy is the most beautiful time of any woman’s life. I had 3 I only wish I could have had more
I agree, with comment above. I have 2 boys, 3 1/2 and 2 and I loved everything about being pregnant. When you get to see your baby for the first time it’s a feeling you can not describe. Just enjoy it while you can because the time will go by fast.
I would love the recipe for the noodles with the pesto. looks delicious! thank you
You’re doing everything right and it’s an inspiration! I also think it’s hilarious and so impressive that even at six months pregnant, you still have a visible six pack! It’s just shaped like a baby bump!
You and your baby have exquisite taste in music!
This is also a song I love to sing!!!
I can not wait to try this tomorrow!
I am in my second trimester of pregnancy. I can not wait to do this routine later tonight!! Thank -you for posting a new one while pregnant.
P.s. You maybe surprised your baby could come in your 39th week easily due to how active you are
Hi. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and gaining most of my weight in my butt and thighs. I workout everyday and eat healthy for the most part. I would live some tips for keeping my legs slim if possible and shaping inner thighs. Plus dobyou have any pregnancy meal plans on the website ???
Hi! Congrats on baby! I am 27 weeks pregnant, with my second child, and I am, also, a personal trainer. I say, keep eating as healthy as you can, and working out. When you’re pregnant, your body stores away fat, in certain areas, for breastfeeding, depending on your body’s natural fat storage inclination. For instance, I have always stored my fat in my butt, hips, thighs while some women store more in their boobs and arms. I was sitting at a very low body fat percentage, before pregnancy, and my body immediately packed on the Kardashian curves. I work out more intensely than most non-pregnant people, but evolution keeps the booty/thighs juicy for feeding baby, after birth. The good news… breastfeeding will strip that extra plump right off. Have a great pregnancy, beautiful lady!