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Low Impact Lower Body Workout: No Equipment Legs, Thighs & Butt Workout

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Hi Everyone!

Are you ready for a Low Impact, but very effective, lower body workout? Don’t let the words Low Impact fool you. This routine workouts your lower body from every angle. When I filmed this workout I filmed my second round, so I was really feeling it.

You can repeat this workout up to 3X and pair it with up to 30-Minutes of cardio of choice. The nice thing about short workouts is you can fit in a round at any point during the day. If you only have time for one round at least you got a workout in! If you have more time you can repeat it or stack it with another workout!

Yesterday was a crazy day for me. I was in a car accident with a deer on my way to work. I am fine, and Baby Bender is fine, but it was very scary. I spent the morning in Labor and Delivery at the hospital having the baby monitored. He hated the device they were using to monitor his heart rate (the sound waves must feel funny) and he kept trying to kick it off of my belly. You could actually see him kicking it all over the place!

End result, he is 100% fine, and I am sore through my sternum (breast bone) from the seat belt. I am teaching a yoga class tonight, but it’s going to be all verbal instruction, with Jesse demonstrating any of the movements for me, because I will be staying off of my arms for a few days. I want to let this soreness heal up before I try anything.

I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Let me know how you are feeling! I will post a link to all of the week’s workout’s tomorrow.

Have fun!

PS you can find me on Instagram & Twitter @BenderFitness

Beginner: 10 Reps
Intermediate: 15 Reps
Advanced: 20 Reps

1. Standing Kick Back (right)
2. Standing Kick back (left)
3. Leg Series (right)
4. Leg Series (left)
5. Plank Leg Lift (right)
6. Plank Leg Lift (left)
7. Chair Heel Pulse
8. Push-up Squat Reach
9. Cross Leg Hip Thrust (right)
10. Cross Leg Hip Thrust (left)

Repeat 1-3X


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