Hi Everyone!
We are almost to the weekend! Are you ready for today’s workout? This is a full Body Workout that combines Dumbbells, Cardio, and Body Weight Intervals. Your body will be challenged in several different ways. You should definitely work up a sweat with this one!
To re-cap, so far this week’s workouts are:
Workout 1: 15-Minute Body Weight HIIT: Full Body Cardio Fat Burn
Workout 2: Boot Camp HIIT: 38-Minute No Equipment Full Body Workout
Workout 3: 15-Minute HIIT Burn Workout: Body Weight Home Workout
Workout 4: Bikini Butt & Leg Workout: Body Weight Exercises
Workout 5: That’s today! Full Body Workout: Dumbbells, Intervals & Body Weight Exercise Challenge.
Be sure to focus on keeping good form. Go at your own pace, but more fast enough to challenge yourself. Intensity during workouts makes a big difference. Working at a higher intensity burns more fat, and challenges your cardiovascular system as you build strength.
Last night I got in an awesome run outside with Jesse. We did 5-Miles. I am moving more slowly than I did pre-pregnancy, but running still feels fantastic. I will be posting an update, so be sure to check back!
Have fun today!
PS I am on Instagram & Twitter: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MelissaBenderFitness If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook please turn on notifications for my page. They have changed the settings for both, so despite having a large audience my posts are reaching much fewer people. They want me to pay advertising costs to allow more of the people who subscribe to my page to see my posts.
Reps: 10-20
Intervals: 10/50 seconds
1. Squat to Lunge (right)
2. Squat to Lunge (left)
3. Romanian Deadlift
4. Man Maker Burpees
5. Weighted Sprinter
Cardio HIIT:
1. High Knees
2. Russian Kicks
3. Lunge Jump
4. Mountain Climber
5. X-Jump/Cheerleader Jump
Body Weight:
1. Down Dog Ab Plank
2. Hip Thrust (right)
3. Hip Thrust (left)
4. Angel Abs
5. Oblique Pushups
*This workout can be repeated 1-3X. Listen to your body and maintain good form throughout each movement.
**This is an excellent full body workout for losing inches, and creating lean muscles
This was an awesome workout! I love getting such a great workout in 30 minutes. Thanks for all you do!
awesome workout
Love this workout.
Thanks for the awesome workout! I’m gearing up for round two… hopefully going for three
Hi there!
I was wondering if you answer questions or offer/give any help for people personally, or give any advice, at all, if I could email, or ask you somethings? Is that an option, at all, for you, or do you prefer not get involved with things like that?
Thanks! I hope to hear back!
I feel dead. I know I am alive because I can feel the sweat running down my face.
Awesome workout!! Tough to do with my 20’s but i did it and kept good form!!
Bikini body here i come!! 
This was fantastic. The cardio was really challenging, I pushed myself to the max. Your oblique pushups are impressive, I have to work on my flexibility as I must bend my knee for the twist. Thank you again!!! Loved this longer workout.
Need my push-ups to get stronger!
such a hard workout! Especially those weighted burpees! thank you for all that you do Melissa! I’m a long-time follower of this blog
Super tough all the way through! Soaking and dripping.