Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time again! Today’s workout is quick. It took me 16-Minutes per round, however, it’s done for repetitions so you might go through it even faster, or a bit slower. The main thing to worry about is that you are pushing yourself to move quickly between each exercise, with Good Form. Good Form is capitalized because it is that important!
You can also choose to go through each round HIIT style, aiming for maximum repetitions. If you want to do that you will set your interval timer for 10 Rounds of 10/50. Just watch the video first and make sure you know how to do each exercise.
Curtsy Lunge with Weight
I am filming a new workout today (for sure!) plus I am taking another spin class. I tried my first Spin Class on Wednesday. They had a great Groupon deal for the place I went so I have a package with 4-more classes. I am meeting a friend there, and it’s fun to get in a workout with people you enjoy spending time with. It’s another Power Spin Class with Dumbbells, and I like that it also works your arms.
I had my most recent Baby Check Up yesterday (I now go to the doctor every two weeks for checkups). Baby Bender is doing fantastic. He has a strong heart rate, and is SUPER active. My belly growth is right now track. Yesterday was the first time someone told me “You aren’t due until June?!?! You’re so big, I don’t know if you’ll make it that far!” It seems like all of a sudden my bump is growing not just weekly, but daily. Plus baby is kicking a lot so when I have a fitted shirt on you can see him moving all around, reaching and kicking.
I am not due until June 29th, and I am convinced Baby isn’t coming until the first week of July.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! I will get a new one posted today!
PS You can find me on Instagram & Twitter: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MelissaBenderFitness
PPS If you want the most current notifications of new workouts & posts on my Facebook and Instagram pages I suggest subscribing to notifications. Both sites have recently changed their settings, so my posts are sadly reaching far fewer people on social media sites. If you opt in for notifications you will see more posts in your timeline, and get notifications on Facebook.
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
Or HIIT Style: Set your interval timer for 10 Rounds of 10/50 and go for Maximum Repetitions during each exercise. 10-Minutes Per Round.
1. Jump Squat
2. Weighted Curtsy Lunge (right)
3. Weighted Curtsy Lunge (left)
4. Tricep Leg Lift
5. High Knees
6. 1 Leg Hip Press (right)
7. 1 Leg Hip Press (left)
8. Burpee
9. Angel Abs
10. Frogger
Repeat 1-3X