Hi Everyone!
Are you ready for another workout? So far this week the workout schedule has been as follows:
This Week’s Workouts:
Workout 1: Low Impact, Lower Body Home Workout
Workout 2: 15 Minute HIIT Cardio Fat Burn: No Treadmill/No Equipment Required: Body Weight Workout
Workout 3: 15-Minute Tight Core: Body Weight Workout
Workout 4: Lower Body Boot Camp Home Workout
Workout 5: That’s today!
Today’s workout combo combines Repetitions and Timed exercises. You can choose to do both videos together, or pick one. The exercises should be challenging, and will utilize your muscles in every plane of motion to optimize the benefits of each exercise.
Sneak Peek into my Maternity Photo Shoot
I have my baby shower today, and I will be posting my Pregnancy Workout updates as well. I am over 35 weeks pregnant now and feeling great.
I hope you all enjoy today’s workout combo! Let me know what you think here or on Facebook. On Instagram/Twitter you can find me: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
Have fun today!
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
1. Up/Down Dog Flow
2. 3 Part Abs (Extend, In, Up)
3. 1 Leg Stand (right)
4. 1 Leg Stand (left)
5. Boat Abductions
6. Warrior III to Crane (right, half reps)
7. Warrior III to Crane (left, half reps)
8. Spiderman Cross Plank
9. Head to Knee (right, half reps)
10. Head to Knee (left, half reps)
Repeat 1-3X
All Levels: Max reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest.
Or do this based on repetitions: Beginner-10 reps, Intermediate-15, Advanced-20.
1. Side Step Lift (right)
2. Side Step Lift (left)
3. Reverse Plank to Side Plank
4. Butt Lift
5. Surfer Burpee
6. Side Scissor Abs
7. Squat to Warrior Twist
8. Extended Boat
9. Low Jacks
10. Cross Knee to Elbow Plank
Repeat 1-3X