Hi Everyone!
I hope you’re ready for today’s workout! One round of today’s workout takes 15-Minutes. I completed this routine interval style (max reps during each 50 second interval with 10 seconds of rest between each exercise). This routine can also be completed for repetitions if you would like to vary the challenge.
For Reps:
Beginner: 10 Reps
Intermediate: 15 Reps
Advanced: 20 Reps
This is a great full body routine that will work every part of your body. If you didn’t try yesterday’s core workout you can pair them together! You can find the core workout here: Belly Fat Banisher Workout: Ab & Fat Burn HIIT.
I am officially 39-Weeks pregnant today. I still feel great. My workouts are primarily walking, squats, lunges, plies, and pelvic tilts. Almost time to meet Baby Bender! It’s funny, when I originally filmed this workout I apparently had sinus infection and wasn’t feeling very motivated. Today I looked at this photo and thought “Wow! I could lay on my stomach!” hahaha.
Gambit was not helping my motivation. My sinus headache made me want to take a nap instead of working out.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! I can’t wait to start filming my brand new workout program after I have the baby (and am medically cleared to workout!)
PS You can find me on Instagram & Twitter: @BenderFitness and Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness. Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
Set Your Gymboss Interval Timer for 15 Rounds of 10/50.
- Walk the Plank Tap
- Seated Wood Chopper-Right
- Seated Wood Chopper-Left
- Plank Cross Tap
- High Knees
- Squat Jump
- Lunge Lift-Right
- Lunge Lift-Left
- Burpee
- High Knees
- Hip Thrust-Right
- Hip Thrust-Left
- Down Dog Hop-Right
- Down Dog Hop-Left
- High Knees
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 20-30 Minutes of Cardio of Choice