Today’s workout is a 20-Minute HIIT Boot Camp. This is a full body workout, that will get you sweating, and work Everything! This is the format that Jesse and I typically use in our live group Boot Camp classes: 30 seconds of Cardio bursts between each exercise.
Go for maximum repetitions, and push yourself on the cardio bursts. They are not meant to be a rest break between exercises (although sometimes when you really feel the burn on a specific exercise High Knees can feel like a relief!)
During High Knees, be sure to engage your abdominals and get those knees lifting. This will help strengthen your core, and ensure that you maintain form.
As of today I am officially 40-Weeks Pregnant! I think Baby Bender may have missed the memo that today’s his due date. I have my 40-week doctor appointment this evening, and for the first time I do have a mild low back ache. That could be a sign that I am getting closer, or it could just be a late pregnancy symptom.
I don’t mind waiting for him, but it’s definitely exciting to know that we could be meeting the baby at any time!
Well, I am headed to work now! Every day my patients say “Are you still here!?!” and I tell them “Yup! I’ll probably be here tomorrow too. This baby is comfy cozy in there!”
Have fun, and check in on Instagram: @BenderFitness for me, and @BenderCrosby1 for Jesse. We will definitely update when I go into labor. We are also on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
I hope you like the workout!
Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer! Set your timer for 15 rounds of 30/50. 30 Seconds Cardio. 50 Seconds Max Reps.
-Cardio 1. Lunge and Lift (right) -Cardio 2. Lunge And Lift (left) -Cardio 3. Temple Tap Abs -Cardio 4. Alternating Leg Drop -Cardio 5. Dive Bomber -Cardio 6. Mountain Climber Pushup -Cardio 7. Pendulum Squat -Cardio 8. Lateral Hops -Cardio 9. Elbow Tap Side Plank (right) -Cardio 10. Elbow Tap Side Plank (left) -Cardio 11. Bear Crawl Hop -Cardio 12. Walk the Plank -Cardio 13. Twisting Sumo Squat -Cardio 14. Crunch & Tap -Cardio 15. Spiderman Plank/Pushup