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Postpartum & Beyond: Week 3: Workout 19: Arms & Back

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Hi Everyone!

Today’s workout is focused on Arms and Back. I have a throwback workout posted below. I will be filming the new Arms & Back workout, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. Life as a new mom is amazing, but scheduling things isn’t as easy as it used to be. I am still getting in my workouts, but the schedule is much more flexible!

Until the new workout is posted I have shared an older Arms and Back workout video below. This is the schedule for the week so far:

Week 3: 

  1. Rest Day
  2. Lower Body-Butt Sculpt Workout + 30-Minutes of Easy Cardio
  3. Core Sculpt (The New Core Workout is Posted) + Moderate Intensity Cardio
  4. Interval Cardio
  5. Arms/Upper Body + 30-Minutes of Easy Cardio- That’s Today!
  6. Rest Day
  7. Full Body Workout + Easy Cardio

Pair today’s workout with easy (talking pace) cardio of choice. That can be running, walking, jump rope, spinning, or other activity of choice. Many people enjoyed my Hula Hoop recommendation the other day, so I have also posted a Hula Hoop video below. I filmed it several years ago for fun. I love Hula Hooping, so if it gets anyone else to have a good time while getting in a good workout I will consider this day a success.

Have fun today!

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10-12 Reps Per Exercise

1. Pull-up/Bent Arm Hang
2. Bicep Curl
3. Tricep Drop
4. Plank Row
5. Shoulder Press
6. Decline Push-up
7. Dip
8. Tricep Push-up (right)
9. Tricep Push-up (left)
10. Walk the Plank
11. Chest Press Plank to Down Dog

Optional: *Bonus: Backbend Push-up*

Repeat Workout 1-3X


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