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Postpartum & Beyond: Week 5, Workout 32: Sweat & Sculpt 15 Minute HIIT

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Hi Everyone!

This is the last workout of Week 5. It was a crazy week for me, so I literally got in zero workouts. It was terrible! I am not sure what I am going to do in regards to filming the workouts that were planned for this week, but I am going to move on into Week 6 this week, and see if I can fit in filming the other workouts as well.

Having a newborn baby makes the filming schedule a lot trickier! He is almost 12-weeks though, so we are settling into more of a routine at this point.

The workouts that I posted for this week are below. I am also filming a new workout today, so that will be up for tomorrow. On the plus side, I am over the flu, and I had a new mole that I got checked out and the doctor said that it is benign, so I have nothing to worry about. Time to get back on track (I feel like I have said that a lot during this challenge!)

I have been having a crazy sweet tooth lately, so I have also decided to explore some healthy alternatives to traditional desserts. I made Black Bean Brownies today, and gave them to Jesse without telling him what was in them. He had no clue that they were any different! Look for the recipe soon! I am going to also try a Raw Brownie Recipe, and some different Banana Ice Cream Flavors.

Have fun with the workout. I am excited to share my new one with you tomorrow.

Week 5:

  1. Booty Sculpt Workout + 30-Minutes of Easy Cardio
  2. Interval Cardio Day
  3. Lower Body + Core Sculpt + Moderate Intensity Cardio
  4. Rest Day
  5. Arms, Back & Cardio + 30-Minutes of Easy Cardio
  6. Rest Day
  7. Today + Easy Cardio

 Buy a Gymboss now. 15 rounds of 10/50.  

1. Supergirl Push-up
2. High Knees
3. Hip Thrust
4. High Knees
5. Push-up Jack
6. High Knees
7. Hopper
8. High Knees
9. Russian Kicks
10. High Knees
11. Rotating (Sumo) Push-ups 
12. High Knees
13. Balanced Heel Press
14. High Knees
15. Shoulder Tap Push-ups

Repeat 1-3X
Pair with 30-Minutes of Cardio of Choice

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