Hi Everyone!
Are you ready? I have a great, effective, Full Body Sculpting Workout for you today! This one kicked my butt. I really struggled to push through it at times, but it felt great to work hard and challenge myself.
This routine challenges your body in three different ways. Body Weight strengthening, a weighted section, and a plyometric section. It’s a great routine to use to mix things up, and challenge your entire body. Versatility in your workouts really helps you to achieve results.
Let me know how you feel after the workout! I will be checking for comments!
I have some fun things to share with you this week! Of course there will be new workouts. I will also be posting a Black Bean Brownie Recipe, and a recipe for a homemade version of the fall famous Pumpkin Spice Latte. If you can’t wait for the new PSL recipe you can try this one: Low-Cal Iced Pumpkin Coffee Latte Recipe with Chocolate Whipped Cream.
Do you have a favorite beverage or dessert that you want to see a healthy version of? I love trying out healthier variations of recipes, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthier way. It’s easier to stick to healthy eating habits if you actually enjoy what you are eating!
Health update: I mentioned last week that I had a flu type virus, I am completely better now. Unfortunately my father in law, and my niece also caught the same bug. It skipped Maverick (I think he got the antibodies from me because he is nursing). I also had the mole I found checked out and it’s benign. Any time you see skin changes, have a doctor check it! Prevention and early treatment are so important to your overall health and well-being.
Have fun with today’s workout!
See you soon!
PS You can find me on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter & Snapchat: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
–Buy a Gymboss now. Set Your Interval Timer for 15 Rounds of 10/50.
Equipment: Interval Timer & Dumbbell.
- Walk the Plank Pushups
- Stormy Boat
- Pelvic Tilt Plank
- Side Plank Thigh Squeeze-Right
- Side Plank Thigh Squeeze-Left
- Curtsy Lunge-Right
- Curtsy Lunge-Left
- Romanian Deadlift
- Warrior Deadlift-Right
- Warrior Deadlift-Left
- Squat Jump
- Mountain Climber
- Lunge Jump
- Burpee
- Donkey Kick
Repeat 1-3X
Pair with Easy Paced Cardio
Printable Version of this Workout: full-body-sculpt-benderfitness-com-workout
Printable Workout List
Great workout…between full time mom, nurse and grad student I have to squeeze in workouts when I can. Just trying to stay a float and stay healthy at the same time!!
Argggg! My thighs!!!
Great workout, kicked my butt the 2nd time around!
loved the workout. i like the added different levels with weights. thanks, so much!