Hi Everyone!
Today’s workout is a brand new 40-minute yoga flow. I am joined in the workout by Sean Vigue. Sean is no stranger two my channel. This is our third workout collaboration, plus he filmed a Full Body Pilates Core Workout for BenderFitness just a few days before I had my son.
It is always fun to collaborate with other people in the fitness industry because everyone brings their own unique style to their workouts. Which means more versatility for you! During this workout we included a warm-up and cool down, a Power Yoga Fat Burn, and a Core Burn section.
You can find Sean:
On YouTube: www.youtube.com/motleyfitness
On his Website: www.seanviguefitness.com
I definitely recommend subscribing to his channel. He has a wide variety of workouts, and a fun personality. Plus, he is an accomplished author of several fitness books. I have his Power Yoga for Athletes Book and I really like it. It makes Yoga accessible to more people.
You can find our other workout collaborations here:
Full Body Pilates Core Workout
20-Minute Plyometric Pilates Fitness Fusion
This month has been challenging for me. I feel like I have been starting & stopping, and halting before I am really able to achieve a good workout rhythm again. I will be writing about it today, and maybe doing a live video on Facebook.
I am really trying to hone in on my diet choices as well. When I get in my workouts my diet is more on track because I have less cravings. When I don’t work out my appetite can get totally crazy, and I don’t feel as satisfied. It can be a vicious cycle of bad habits! I know what I need to do to get on track, and I 100% know that I am capable of it, but it has been a struggle lately.
I hope you guys enjoy today’s workout and work up a fantastic sweat! Please comment, click Like on the youtube video and let us know what you thought of the workout, and if you want to see more collaborations in the future.
Have fun today!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1 Sean is on Social Media: @SeanVigueFitness
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
I hear you about cravings being wonky when the workouts aren’t on point. I feel like this past weekend, with the craziness of the holiday, my efforts weren’t , and my cravings and indulgences were more than usual. But, I’m looking forward to this workout and starting the week off right with you and Sean! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Don’t beat yourself up Melissa. Being a new mom is hard and I think it’s a little harder to keep track with the holidays. All you can do is focus on what you did well that day, “I drank water all day,” instead of “oh crap, I didn’t squeeze in my workout.”
I think I speak for many moms when I say it is EXTREMELY refreshing to hear you being so honest about your struggles with eating/working out since having your son. There are many days when I get really down on myself when I can’t even manage to squeeze a 20 minute workout in, or when my eating gets a bit out of control (THANKSGIVING LEFTOVERS at 3AM!!!) I think we need to give ourselves a little grace, as we are so busy caring for the needs of little ones who are completely dependent on us for every little thing : ) It’s exhausting work. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thank you for pushing us to do the absolute best we can.
I am almost 62 years old and have not “exercised” in a few years. When I went to Utah about 2 weeks ago, I was able to hike and climb rocks. This amazed me, but I pushed my body. I am 50# overweight and would love to lose 20# before mid January (I already lost 30 on a very strict diet). I have severe high blood pressure which I know would improve if I list weight. I love your site, but it seems like it is geared towards younger people. Is there a routine that you would recommend for women like me? Thanks.
Hi Kathy,
There is always a way to modify any workout. For example, any of the high impact/jumping moves can be substituted for a low impact variation. Squat Jumps can be a Squat & Squeeze, Lunge Jumps can be alternating lunges with a step and squeeze instead of a jump.
I have several workouts that might work for you:
10-Minute Chair Workout: https://www.benderfitness.com/2015/11/10-minute-chair-workout-low-impact-arms-abs-legs.html
Standing Workouts: https://www.benderfitness.com/category/standing-workout
Low Impact Workouts: https://www.benderfitness.com/category/low-impact
The main thing is to listen to your body. I am planning on making a workout section dedicated to people who are starting back to working out. I hope this helps!
Hi , i’m in love with your work out. but myself i need help with the back bra fat and middle section.
Thank you so much for this amazing workout!!!! Since my daughter was born I have a pain in my feet and in my back every day.
I did this workout yesterday and today is the first day without any pain!!!!!