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Total Body Workout with Fat Burning Cardio: 16-Minutes Per Round

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Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the delay in getting today’s workout up! My son is getting his first TWO teeth at the same time. They finally popped through yesterday, but he needed me so I didn’t get on the computer at all. Today we have a Total Body Cardio Fat Burning Workout for you.

This workout will take 16-Minutes and combines 30-second cardio bursts with 50 seconds of maximum repetitions for each exercise. As always, push yourself to get in as many reps as possible. Quick workouts are very effective if you focus on your intensity. Push hard, sweat, breath heavy, and challenge yourself.

Maverick is 7 Months Old. <3

Last night we were able to get in a great walk with Maverick. We initially planned on running, but Jesse had a lot of muscle soreness so we kept it lighter. I did get to try out my new SheFit Ultimate Sports Bra & I am in love! It is fantastic, kept everything in place, and was still nursing friendly.

Tomorrow’s workout will be an active rest day or yoga day. Thursday will be a brand new workout. I hope you are enjoying the Get Lean Workout Challenge so far!

Have fun!


PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1 

PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated:

Get Your Own Interval Timer: Buy a Gymboss now.
For Time: Set Your Timer: 12 Rounds of 30/50.

*30 Seconds Cardio of Choice between each exercise*

  1. Sumo Pushups
  2. Plie Jumps
  3. Rock the Boat Twist
  4. Frogger
  5. Leg Series-Right
  6. Leg Series-Left
  7. Surfer
  8. Side Plank Elbow Tap-Right
  9. Side Plank Elbow Tap-Left
  10. Heel Tap Squat Jump
  11. Pendulum Abs
  12. Donkey V-Kick

Repeat 1-3X


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