Hi Everyone!
Are you ready to workout today? I sure am! I got in a great run yesterday (over 4-miles), and I am ready to challenge my body with a HIIT workout today.
Today’s workout will take 21-Minutes per round. You can go through it once, or repeat it if you want a longer/more intense workout. For this workout I used a jump rope (you can do rope less jumping or substitute high knees if you don’t have one). I also used dumbbells, if you don’t have any you can do the exercises with body weight. Finally, grab a chair or bench, something you can put your feet up on.
I won’t be able to do this workout until later this evening, but I will get it in. Maverick has his first baby swim lesson today. It’s a parent/baby class. He loves water, so hopefully he enjoys the pool. We also have another baby’s birthday party to attend.

When did my baby get so big?
I mentioned that I am training for a Half Marathon, so I am really trying to focus on getting my runs in. It’s so much easier when the weather is nice-cold makes me want to stay warm in my house in 10 layers with knee high socks on. I was less consistent this week with the return of the cold, but I still got most of my training in.
We have a treadmill, so I really have no excuse for missing workouts, but I much prefer running outside. I do have some great treadmill workouts that I can start incorporating to keep things interesting. I have also been running without music, to get myself back in sync with my breathing and just focusing on the experience of running. For my outdoor runs I am typically running with the baby, Jesse, or friends, so I don’t listen to music on those runs either.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Let me know how it goes, how you feel, and what your training is like.
My friends on Patreon have requested a new Yoga Stretch video, so I have that coming soon, plus I have some new HIIT workouts written and ready to be filmed. I am loving your check in posts on Instagram! Please keep tagging me!
I will see you soon!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1 Maverick on Instagram: MaverickBender
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Click the link to –Buy a Gymboss now. !
Set your interval timer for 21 Rounds of 10/50.
1. Jump Rope
2. Deadlift
3. Quadruped Leg Raise
4. Jump Rope
5. Warrior Deadlift (right)
6. Warrior Deadlift (left)
7. Dive Bombers
8. Jump Rope
9. Split Squat (right)
10. Split Squat (left)
11. Plank Walkouts
12. Jump Rope
13. Lunge Pulse Press (right)
14. Lunge Pulse Curl (left)
15. Superman
16. Jumpe Rope
17. Plank Cross Row with Floor Tap
18. Folded Twist
19. Jump Rope
20. Curtsy Lunge (alternating)
21. Pigeon Stretch (alternating)
Repeat 1-3X