Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time! Today’s workout is a quick Core HIIT workout. I found this workout challenging, and I really felt a bonus burn in my arms and shoulders. Every other exercise in today’s workout is Mountain Climbers. If that becomes too intense for you switch to High Knees, Jump Rope or an alternate cardio of choice.
Note: The last workout I posted was a Core Workout. I wasn’t able to get online to update the Cardio workouts, so if you already did Core you can substitute this workout instead: Kicking Cardio Fat Blast.
For the past two days I had Cardio days. I have one month until my Half Marathon. I am also focusing on Foam Rolling to help prevent any injuries. Due to being sick almost all of March I am not where I would like to be with my training. My focus is on getting in healthy miles, without overdoing it.
I have noticed some tightness in my left IT Band, so I am trying to really work that out after every workout. I also got new running shoes. I will have a chance to break them in before race day. You never want to try out new shoes or clothing the day of a race. This is especially true for longer distances where chaffing can be a big problem.
Burpee: Part 1
I am still getting in my 30-Burpees per day for the #30BurpeeChallenge. I feel stronger and my endurance has improved since starting the challenge. I also like the accountability of the challenge. Even if it’s late at night I make sure to get my Burpees in.
Today I teach my Jogging class. It’s our cross training day so we are going to do a Tabata workout that incorporates full body exercises and sprints. I will be filming the workout to share with you, but will most likely modify the sprinting section to jump rope or high knees. We don’t have enough room in our house for sprinting.
Do you want to see more High Intensity Workouts, Low Impact Workouts? Is there something you would like to have added into the BenderFitness repertoire? If so let me know in the comments below. If your comment doesn’t show up immediately don’t worry. I will approve it. Our spam filter stopped working, so it is taking me a long time to go through and approve comments. I will get to them though! I love reading your feedback.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Let me know what you think!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Equipment: Buy a Gymboss now. Gymboss Interval Timer set for 10 Rounds of 30/50
-Mountain Climbers
1. Supergirl Pushups
-Mountain Climbers
2. Cross Bicycle (right)
-Mountain Climbers
3. Cross Bicycle (left)
-Mountain Climbers
4. Plank Jack
-Mountain Climbers
5. Angel Abs
-Mountain Climbers
6. Boat V-Lift
-Mountain Climbers
7. Temple Tap Abs
-Mountain Climbers
8. Side Plank Front Kick (right)
-Mountain Climbers
9. Side Plank Front Kick (left)
-Mountain Climbers
*50 Second Cool Down
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30 Minutes of Cardio.