Hi Everyone!
Welcome to a new week of workouts! For this week I have posted 6-workout videos. That means there are 6-workouts and one rest day. One of the workouts is a stretching day. Remember, rest and recovery helps your body stay healthy and make improvements in your strength and level of fitness.
Don’t be afraid to modify the schedule if you need too. Listen to your body. A huge part of creating a healthy lifestyle is learning what your body responds best too. Focus on form during each exercise. If you need rest take it. Exercise should improve your health and overall fitness. If you see signs of overtraining, ease back, rest, and return when you are ready.
I have been resting and recovering from a nasty bout of IT Band Syndrome. I was finally able to run without pain two days ago, and had another successful run today. I was getting very nervous for my Half Marathon. The race is only two weeks away, and I have been having dreams that I am late to the race and forgot to pick up my race packet.
I am running this race to raise money for a cause, so I really didn’t want to get sidelined with an injury. I will have to test out some longer run days, and be very careful to make sure I am in good shape on race day. At this point I know that I have missed a lot of training so it’s going to be a matter of just making it through the race. I ordered new pants that are supposed to provide the same support as kinesiotape. They should be arriving on Tuesday.
During my Half Marathon I am fundraising for Love146 to help prevent human trafficking of children. It’s very important to me to be able to run this race, because it is such an important cause. If you are able to make a donation every dollar helps! You can do so here: Love 146 Fundraiser. Your donation helps rescue children from slavery, and provide services and support to the children who are rescued. Donations are tax deductible.

My niece & nephew doing a Hill Sprint!
I am planning on filming new workouts this week. I can’t wait to get back into my routine & share new content with you all! I have been teaching my jogging class one cross training workout per week, so I have a lot of new routines to share here.
Have fun with the workout schedule!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Workout 1:
Workout 2:
16-Minute HIIT: Full Body Fit & Flexible
Workout 3:
Low Impact Body Sculpt: Tummy & Tush
Workout 4:
19 Minute HIIT: Full Body Fat Burning Workout
Workout 5:
Workout 6:
Post Run Recovery Stretch: Stretches and Injury Prevention for Athletes
Ciao melissa grazie
Love the weekly schedules!!! Makes planning for the week so much easier! Thank you!!
Love the weekly schedule. I am completing the bikini challenge, and then doing an 1 extra workout per day from the weekly post. Thank you for all you do. Praying for continued healing of your IT band
Love the weekly schedule, I tend to workout while my kids are at school. Thanks!
great idea. I love the daily schedule. makes it so easy to decided what to do for the day and exactly what body part needs worked on what days. thanks so much. i have been doing your workouts for over 5 years. i love to do these in the comfort of my own home. i want to contribute to your workout cause. is there a way i can send a one time payment via paypal. i don’t feel comfortable doing a monthly payment online. thank you and God Bless
Thank you so much for the wonderful workouts. Like the weekly post; would like to see the exercises listed. I too have wanted to contribute and mentioned this before, but would rather send a check or some other payment method than online. Thank you again for always challenging me.
Thanks for the 19 minute blast… felt the load in my hip flexor as we did the early ab section… terrific work out! See your next work out soon
Loved today’s 16 minute work out that included the stretch.. just what my hip flexors needed 
Tummy tush work out was the bomb… sweating so much and will combine that with a run this morning. Myhip lift/leg lift still needs some work but with perseverance and your guidance I should get there! Cheers