Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time! Today’s workout will take 15-Minutes per round. You don’t need any equipment to complete this routine. All you need is some space, and some water to stay hydrated.
This workout utilizes compound movements to maximize your workout in a short period of time. If you can only fit in one round today that’s okay. If you have more time repeat it! You can also pair it with cardio of your choice. 1-2 rounds of this workout + 30-minutes of cardio will be a very effective and challenging workout combo.
When it comes to fitness consistency is key. That means you need to find a realistic amount of time to spend on your workout. What do I mean by a realistic amount of time? For me that means between 15-60 minutes of exercise per day. Ideally it’s closer to 30-45 minutes, but it depends on the day. I would rather get in a short workout than no workout.
Depending on your schedule what you can get in will vary. Remember, staying consistent is more important than having just one long workout per week. Get yourself moving, schedule time with yourself and make it happen. Once it’s a routine part of your day it’s easier to stick to the program.
My workouts and filming schedule have been sporadic lately. My son is 11 months old, and it seems like he gets another tooth each week. It’s making his sleep schedule much trickier.
My sister in law is going to be watching my son 1X per week so I can get some filming and blogging done. I understand the difficulty of staying consistent. I am living it right now. Even when I miss a day I keep going. I also incorporate some exercises into my playtime with my son. He thinks I turn into a human jungle gym when I am doing floor exercises, but I consider it bonus resistance training.
Up and Coming Workouts: I have recruited some of my running buddies to do a runner/athlete specific workout series. My nephew will also be joining me for some kid-friendly workouts. I have HIIT workouts written, and a beginner stretch video to film.
I Need Your Opinion: Would you like to see workout tutorial videos on days that I can’t film a full workout? It would be me demonstrating exercises/form and recommending a set number of reps or time for each exercise. Feedback I have received in the past told me that people prefer real time, full length workouts. Would you like to see a combo of both? Would you use tutorial videos, or would you choose an alternate full length workout video instead?
I hope you enjoy today’s workout and find it challenging. Let me know in the comments below, or tag me in your social media posts.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a babysitter (so we can film more often), new camera, new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Set Your Interval Timer: 15 Rounds of 10/50.
1. Overhead Squat
2. Lunge Jump
3. Hip Thrust (right)
4. Hip Thrust (left)
5. Plie Jump
6. Down Dog Push-up
7. Dips
8. Leaning Plank
9. Plank Press
10. Bridge
11. Frogger
12. Heel Tap Abs
13. Hip Lift/V-Up
14. Elbow Tap Side Plank (right)
15. Elbow Tap Side Plank (left)
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30-Minutes Cardio of Choice.
I love your workouts! I have been doing them for years to stay in shape. No tutorials needed here:) Thanks for all you do!
Prefer real-time to work out with you.
Would you say your arms were created by your own body weight exercises or was that all based on lifting weights?
I prefer real time. I don’t think I would do a tutorial personally. I like to feel like I have a workout partner.
I would prefer real time as well. I love your workouts so thank you!
I would prefer real time workout videos. Thanks Melissa for sharing all your WO videos. I love them
I would much prefer real time workouts. I love your workouts. I would love NEW workouts from you. Thanks
Thanks for everything. Did a couple ab workouts combined with cardio and some upper body weights today. Long workouts on Mondays. But it’s done and feeling great! Like real time you are my workout buddy. I recruited another person at the gym
She sometimes joins me and really likes the challenge. Thanks Again!
I have been doing your workouts for over 6 years now and love the real time ones. i totally feel like your are my workout buddy!!! lol I love the variety and am thankful for your dedication to doing this. It is a blessing to me.
I prefer the Real time as well.. I do it all on my phone and it’s difficult to use my phone as my interval timer and have your workout pulled up. I have to switch between screens. Plus I love doing it with you!
I love the real time workouts! You do such an awesome job with them and they keep me more motivated!! Again, thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to “us!” I work out with you 5 days a week
I absolutely love your workouts, and after a few videos with you, I don’t feel the need to know how to do any specific move, since you incorporate a lot of the same ones into many of your videos! However, it would be nice during workouts, to know the next move before it starts so we can get right to it! Thank you!!
I have been doing your workouts every day for the last few years. I tell people, “it is easy to squeeze in 15 minutes a day to exercise.” Your HIIT real time exercises are the best. I also coach middle school xc and track and “borrow” many of your moves to use with the team. Thank you!!!!!!!
I really love your real time workouts! It makes the workouts more fun and easier when I feel like I’m working out with a friend:) I know how challenging it is finding time for this with a little one and I totally appreciate how real you are with us about that. I also really admire your beautiful dedication as a loving mother to your son! Thanks for always having a workout schedule for us even if you aren’t able to film new workouts as much as you’d like. All of us who are moms totally get it!
I also enjoy the real time workouts but you could definitely add in some running workouts as no filming is required and they are a nice add on for those of us that are runners
Love your workouts and appreciate all your hard work in sharing them with us! My son is a couple of days older than yours and I appreciated your pregnancy and post-partum videos so much!
I also enjoy the real time workouts but you could definitely add in some running workouts as no filming is required and they are a nice add on for those of us that are runners
Love your workouts and appreciate all your hard work in sharing them with us! My son is a couple of days older than yours and I appreciated your pregnancy and post-partum videos so much!
I appreciate the time it takes to do the full length workouts. If that means you upload less often, so be it. I have done some of your older videos with tutorials and found it hard to motivate myself to do all my reps and full intervals. I like you being my workout partner!
I love your workouts and prefer the real time ones.
Thanks and keep going.
I second Carla’s comment. Thank you always!
I appreciate your real time videos. You usually demonstrate the exercise as you are performing it so tutorial videos would not be beneficial for me. Thank you for providing free workouts…you are an inspiration, especially to us Mamas who want want to stay strong and healthy !!!
Definitely prefer the real time workouts. I know it’s super hard with kids. You can only do what you can do! An alternate workout is just fine
Real time please!
I prefer real time. Been doing your workouts and love them!
My 6 yr old daughter always ask if I’m exercising with my “friend” again. Lol! And she likes do the WO with me
I’ve gotten some great results from your workouts!