Hi Everyone!
This is Reset Workout #5. I hope you’re ready for a quick, but challenging HIIT workout.
I filmed this workout live on Instagram, and really enjoyed the format. It was nice to get in a live workout with those who were able to join me.
Lately it’s been really challenging to make time to film, but doing a live took out a lot of the prep and editing time. My daughter is 7-months, crawling everywhere, and when she isn’t crawling she wants to be in my arms. So saving time, is a bit of a lifesaver right now.

We also saw my father and brother this weekend. Due to COVID, we haven’t seen anyone so this was my brother’s first time meeting my daughter. All that said, I am a bit behind on filming, but I am planning on catching up this week.
If you scroll down below the 15-Minute No Equipment HIIT workout I posted for today, you will see an older 15-Minute Core & Cardio Workout video. That’s for anyone who can’t wait for the new Reset Workout #6 to be posted. Of course, if you’re feeling feisty today you can always choose to do both workouts.

Don’t forget, it’s #MeatlessMonday. That means Rose Bruno Bailey has a new recipe to share with us. This week it’s healthy, vegan pancakes. Cue the drooling!
Have fun with the workout, check out the recipe, and let me know what you think!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
- High Knees
- Warrior III Pulse with Knee: Right
- Warrior III Pulse with Knee: Left
- Squat Jump
- Extended Hydrant: Right
- Extended Hydrant: Left
- Plié Jump
- Mini Squat to Open Hip: Right
- Mini Squat to Open Hip: Left
- Lunge Jump
- Balanced Half Moon Pulse: Right
- Balanced Half Moon Pulse: Left
- Side to Side Hop
- Pendulum Chair Squat: Right
- Pendulum Chair Squat: Left
Repeat up to 3X

Reset Workout #6:
Set your timer for 10 Rounds of 40/50.
*For a Lower Impact Workout Option you can choose to March in Place instead of High Knees. Select the Movement that is best for you. *
-High Knees
1. Plank Crunch
-High Knees
2. Plank Jack Pushup
-High Knees
3. Side Plank Reach Through (right)
-High Knees
4. Side Plank Reach Through (left)
-High Knees
5. Rainbow Plank (right)
-High Knees
6. Rainbow Plank (left)
-High Knees
7. Down Dog Cross & Lift (right)
-High Knees
8. Down Dog Cross & Lift (left)
-High Knees
9. Pushup to Hip Thrust (alternating)
-High Knees
10. Knee Drop Plank
Repeat 1-3X
I loved the live workout, although I had to do it later in the day, but I am loving these reset workouts! I can get them into my schedule and they challenge me like a long work out would! Thank you so much.
Thank you!
My schedule opts better with the recordings, so thank you for keeping these. Great workout!
Thank you for always finding creative ideas and solutions to keep the work-out coming!
loved it! I love your variety. Do any format that works for you. you are the best out there.
You’re my spirit animal-live or recorded! Thanks for all you do!