Hi Everyone!
Today let’s talk about diet. (If you are looking for today’s workout you can find it here: Weekly Workout Schedule). I’m not talking about going hungry, or putting locks on your refrigerator. I’m talking about what you put in your body.
About 3-4 weeks ago I made some changes to my diet. I started eating primarily anti-inflammatory foods, and cut out foods that are linked to inflammation. When I started, I wasn’t sure if I would notice a change. Just a few weeks later, I am down 6 pounds, and 3 inches on my waist. Since having postpartum gallbladder issues over the summer, I have been fighting bloating and 5-7 pound weight fluctuations over the course of the day.
So what is the verdict after trying these diet changes? I feel better! My hands and stomach aren’t swelling up, and my weight isn’t having extreme fluctuations throughout the day. My energy is better, and my husband notices a big difference in how he feels too.
Inflammation is linked to cancer, arthritis, asthma, colitis, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s disease, sinus problems….and many more. It is also linked to premature aging of the skin and acne.
So what is the anti-inflammatory diet? I have provided some information and a grocery list below. The list is not all inclusive. There are other fruits and veggies that are still great options, but I created the grocery list as an over view.
I have been eating foods that follow these guidelines, but I still allow for some variation. For example, I love frosted shredded wheat cereal. Even though it has refined sugars I still eat it sometimes. Peanuts are inflammatory, and giving up Peanut Butter was a big one for me. I still have it occasionally, but I ensure that it is one serving size.
These are guidelines. You can adjust it to fit your needs and lifestyle, but incorporating these changes has been very beneficial for me. I will be sharing more recipes that fit into the anti-inflammatory diet.
If you have questions about the diet, post them below. I have started sharing more recipes on my Snapchat & Instagram MyStory: @BenderFitness.

Snacking on lots of fruit & veggies.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet Basics:
- Avoid or Eliminate: Dairy, Red Meat, Refined Sugars, Processed Foods, Fried Foods, Refined Carbohydrates, Sweetened Beverages
- Utilize Anti-Inflammatory spices in your meals at least 1X per day.
- Eat Hormone Free Meats, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. For fruits and veggies, if it is thin skinned (i.e. blueberries) buy organic if possible. Always rinse fruit and veggies before eating/prepping.
Printable: Anti-Inflammatory Grocery List BenderFitness.com
Grocery List Basics:
*The items in bold are spices and proteins that I regularly incorporate into my meals. I have also been drinking one cup of lemon ginger tea per day.*
- -Turmeric
- -Ginger (fresh root form, ground spice or ginger paste)
- -Garlic (fresh or minced)
- -cinnamon
- -rosemary
- -sage
- -thyme
- -cloves
- -extra virgin olive oil
- -coconut oil
- -bone broth
Proteins: (Preferably Hormone/Antibiotic Free)
- -Chicken
- -Salmon
- -Shrimp
- -Eggs
- -Fish
Nuts/Seeds: (Avoid Peanuts/Peanut Butter)
- -ground flax, hemp or chia seed (can be sprinkled in oatmeal, cereal, salads or smoothies)
- -Walnuts
- -Almonds
- -Pumpkin Seeds
Fruit: (If thin skinned preferably organic)
- -blueberries
- -avocado
- -beets
- -pineapple
- -cherries
- -strawberries
- -raspberries
- -blackberries
- -tomato
- *You can eat other fruits as well*
- -Spinach
- -Kale
- -Broccoli
- -Cauliflower
- -Onions
- -Brussel Sprouts
- -Zucchini
- -Cabbage
- -Sweet Potatoes
- -Beets
- -Bok Choy
- -Swiss Chard
- -Mushrooms-Shitake or Portabella
- *You can eat other veggies as well*
- -Oatmeal-Plain
- -Whole Grain Breads or Wraps
- -Jasmine or Brown Rice
- -quinoa
- *If you have a gluten allergy choose gluten free options. If you don’t have an allergy you can eat gluten)
- -Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
- -Green Tea
- -Ginger Tea
- -Coffee
- -Dark Chocolate
- -Homemade Desserts using Whole Ingredients (I will be posting more recipes)
Fermented Foods:
- -Sauerkraut
- -Miso
I’ve actually started to eat sauerkraut for its digestive benefits, but I don’t think I’m ready to let go of my dairy just yet. Don’t you miss cheese?
Blush & Pearls by Angela
I could follow that except for the peanut butter I love it to much..
Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many do you enjoy per week? Thanks!
I pretty much eat this way, but counting my points to stay in control of portions. I was grain free, now I have one or two servings of whole grains daily. I rarely eat red meat. Thanks for the break-down.
The book titled The Plan by Lyn-Genet Recitas will help you figure out your personal inflammatory foods. You will be surprised how many “healthy” foods that you are eating are inflammatory and causing weight gain. Salmon is an inflammatory food for me. Melissa I really enjoyed reading your list of foods that work for you! The spices are a must too
Is almond butter, or other non-peanut nut/seed butter still okay? (presuming it’s ONLY the nuts/seed in the ingredients list?). Also, how did you learn about an “anti-inflammatory diet”? Is there a good book/website you can refer us to so as to learn more about it?
Thanks for sharing all your information! You look healthy and strong and fit! What a great role model for your son and husband (and all us fans!)! 🙂
I’ve been told almond butter is a really healthy alternative for peanut lovers. Seeds are ok too such as sunbutter. There’s a brand called Maranatha that makes healthy nut butters.
oops! I just saw Jan’s reply and book recommendation! (Thanks, Jan!) Melissa, if you have any others to add, i’m all eyes/ears! 🙂
What about beans I didn’t see them on your list
This diet is intriguing to me and one that I think I could actually stick to for a couple weeks 😉 I really want to focus on my eating but I am more of a 80/20 rule kind of gal. However if this would help me feel less bloated throughout the day I think I’d want to stick to it longer. The only kicker besides peanut butter – is coffee! Did you give that up? I’m not sure I can part ways with my beloved go go juice!