Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Day 27 of the 30 Day Workout Challenge! It’s a yoga flow and stretch. It’s quick (20 Minutes), but it will feel great to do some yoga. Stretching has been scientifically proven to improve muscle gains. Making yoga and stretching a normal part of your routine can help prevent injury and promote faster healing. I filmed this routine a few months ago, but I will be going through it again today.
With yoga (and any exercise) it’s very important to listen to your body. You want to challenge yourself, but you never want to bounce in any poses (for example trying to touch your toes: reach as far as you can, but don’t bounce up and down to stretch further).
Also, your balance can vary from one side of your body to the other. I have better balance standing on my right foot than my left. Everyone is different. Challenge yourself.
I included an inversion in this routine. In the video I talk about supporting the pose through your arms. You do not want to put pressure through your head. If you don’t have the strength to do this yet keep building up to it.
If you have uncontrolled or poorly controlled high blood pressure, neck problems (herniated disks, etc), or glaucoma skip the headstand.
Health is more important than attempting to do a yoga pose or exercise. 🙂
Enjoy the workout!
PS Don’t forget to check in after your workout: Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
30 Day Challenge: Day 27: Yoga Flow and Stretch

I love everything I see! :-)))
I love that cat!
OMG! I was so tight from the last few workouts that I really appreciated this today !!!! Thanks