Hi Everyone!
You are at the Half Way mark of the Diet Bet Challenge! Take an Active Rest Day today to recover and prepare for this week’s workouts.
You have been working hard all week and your body progresses when you let it recover.
It’s a great time to take stock of what you have accomplished so far. Are you seeing the results that you want? How have you been doing with the dieting aspect of this challenge?
Don’t forget to check in on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter!
Diet Bet Challenge: Day 14: Active Rest Day

I’ve actually been going vegetarian this lately. It’s not really intentional like I stamped myself a vegetarian I just have been filling up on mushrooms and zuchini and sweet potatoes. Something that surprised me more was I ordered a black bean veggie burger when I went out to eat. It’s become a craving but I’m not swearing off meat. 😉 thanks for all that you do Melissa.