Hi Everyone!
I wanted to give you all an update on my pregnancy, and the workouts I got in this week. I did a lot of walking. I also tried Spinning for the first time this week! I enjoyed it so much that I went back for a second class!
The spinning class I took was a Power Spin class, so it incorporated Dumbbells and Arm exercises while you are on the bike. I went with my friend, Deena on Wednesday night, and Jesse joined us for a second class on Saturday. During the class there is a live DJ spinning and playing music videos to sync with the RPMs and help pace your workout. The studio we went through was having a sale on Groupon, so I took advantage of the sale & will be heading back for a few more classes. It’s fun to incorporate something new and different!

Deena & I after my first Power Spin Class
The more active I am the better I feel. I am amazed at what the human body is capable of. Watching my stomach grow, and feeling this baby getting bigger and stronger is such a great feeling. I want to keep doing everything I can to keep both of us healthy and happy. A lot of scientific research has shown that exercise in the Third Trimester has added benefits for baby including: decreased infant stress level, higher APGAR scores at birth, lower body fat % at birth (but not a lower birth weight), decreased risk for diabetes & obesity throughout the lifespan, and improved infant lung capacity, among other things!
I also feel like I am training for labor. The more I do to stay strong and healthy now can potentially help me have a smoother and faster delivery.
I am still working 40 hours per week as an Occupational Therapist. My patients always ask me how long I am going to keep working, and I keep telling them “Right up until I deliver this baby!”
Week 30+ Pregnancy Workouts
In addition to the workouts listed below, I incorporated daily squats or plies into my workout. I typically do this while I brush my teeth. I don’t count reps, I just keep going until my 2-minutes of tooth brushing is up in the evening.

Power Spin Class
Sunday: 30-Minute AM Walk + 45-Minute PM Walk
Monday: 30-Minute Walk
Tuesday: 3.3 Mile Run (33 minutes, 18 seconds-10:05 min/mile pace) + 2 Mile Walk
Wednesday: 20-Minute Walk + 45-Minute Power Spin Class with Dumbbells
Thursday: 30-Minute Walk
Friday: 60-Minue Walk Outside + Planks (Reverse, Right & Left Side Plank)
Saturday: 45-Minute Power Spin Class with Dumbbells + 3.25 Mile Walk
Sunday (today): This 20-Minute Full Body HIIT + 5 Mile Walk Outside
Pregnancy Feelings
None! I eat a wide variety of foods, and try to incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables. What I eat now will help shape the baby’s future palate, so I am trying to expose him to lots of healthy foods. I eat a lot of smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.
Feeling good! No itchiness or discomfort. I am still using Organic Virgin Coconut Oil to moisturize. I also use cocoa butter & make sure to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
Good overall! Still feeling strong and healthy. Earlier this week I had unexplained evening energy, that kept me from wanting to go to sleep, but once I made myself get into bed I slept well.
Very good. I can’t wait to meet baby boy! I think he is going to have a very sweet and active personality. Everyone keeps asking Jesse if I am having crazy mood swings, and luckily I am not! He keeps telling people that he think how active I am staying is helping me to have a super smooth and easy pregnancy, and I agree with him.
Body Image:
Feeling great! I am impressed by how my body has adapted to pregnancy & it’s ability to nurture this new human being. Clothing is getting trickier. All of my shirts that used to be long on me are getting progressively shorter as my pregnancy progresses. I do wonder how big my belly will be by the end of my pregnancy!
Baby’s Movements:
Craziness! He is all over the place, and you can see my stomach moving around from the outside. I can tell when he is taking naps, because I basically feel him moving around the rest of the day. Baby is about 15.7 inches this week, and around 3 pounds. I mainly feel him kicking and poking me near the right side of my ribs. It’s possible he is practicing gymnastics in there.
I haven’t done anything new this week. It is primarily empty (baby shower will be at the end of May), but we do have some clothes, diapers, and a bassinet in there.
It turns out that I don’t qualify for FMLA (up to 12 Weeks of unpaid time off with job & health insurance protection that some US employees qualify for during maternity or other family medical events). I became pregnant about 1.5 months after switching jobs. Due to the fact that I will have been with my company for less than a year I don’t have any type of maternity leave. My option is to apply for a 30-Day Leave of Absence. My doctor said I will medically be ready to return to work after 6-weeks. I had been planning to take 12-Weeks off with Baby Bender so I am heart broken over this. Also, now my daycare options are all messed up, because baby will have to go so much earlier.
MD Visit:
I am still rotating through all of the doctor’s at my practice. They have all been very happy with my progress so far. Baby’s heart rate was in the 150s, and he was bouncing away like normal during my visit.
Feeling & doing great! My bump is getting bigger by the day, and I love feeling Baby Bender move all the time. Jesse and I sing and talk to him constantly.
That’s my update! As I write this post I am 30-weeks and 5-days pregnant. If you have any Fit Pregnancy questions for me post them in the comments below or let me know on Facebook!
Your husband can take FMLA too, just an idea, though I know it is so hard to leave a little one so soon Talk to your boss/HR people see if they can work with you.
Thank you! We were actually just talking about him taking FMLA because he will definitely qualify. 🙂 Things will definitely work out somehow!
Thanks for update. You look as well as you feel! Sorry to hear about a lack of maternity leave.
Baby bender is lucky to have such great parents!
I hope everything works out so that you and/or Jesse can both take some time off to be with Baby Bender when he arrives. And I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling so great! I’m convinced that an active pregnancy is so much better for baby and mom, and I’m glad to see that you’re enjoying your pregnancy.