Good Morning Everyone!
I have a great throw-back Boot Camp workout for you! We did this routine with our group Boot Camp class during the Fall Semester. It’s a challenging full body workout, that will get your heart rate up, and have you burning fat! Be sure to warm up. When we teach class we go through each move with our students, and have them do a few reps, so we can correct form, and make sure everyone knows what to expect during the workout. It also serves as a warm up to get the body ready before jumping into the routine. Then we go into the workout full speed ahead.
I filmed this routine when I was about 6-weeks pregnant. It was before I had to start incorporating any workout modifications. Typically during the first Trimester you don’t have to modify your workouts much. It is important to track your workout intensity and prevent your body from overheating. Always check with your doctor first, because all women and all pregnancies are different. What you are able to do safely will be influenced by what you were doing before pregnancy. I was already regularly working out at a high intensity so these workouts were not a shock to my system.
If you are wondering what is safe and what isn’t during the first trimester, check out this article: Working Out in the First Trimester of Pregnancy: What You Need to Know.
This workout takes 20-Minutes per round if you do it interval style. I also posted a breakdown for reps, for those of you that want to take your time, and control the workout intensity a bit. As always, focus on maintaining good form during each exercise.
I am now two weeks postpartum. Yesterday was the first day that I was back to getting in over 10,000 steps per day. Jesse and I took Maverick on a 3.5 mile walk, plus I went on a mini walk with my sister, my friend Liz, and their children earlier in the day.

Sunset Walk with Jesse and Maverick.
I am feeling really good, and pretty much back to normal, but I am still going to wait until I am 100% cleared by my doctor before starting my new workout program. Between now and then it will be walking, and some general activity. Even when you feel great, your body may not be fully healed. It’s better to take some extra time, than it is to start a program before you are physically ready.
I am tentatively planning to start my new workout program on August 22nd. That’s just over 4-weeks away, so I can get a head start on filming the new workouts for you.
Between now and then we have some more special guest workouts headed your way! Next up from our special guests we will have a Full Body Pilates workout with Sean Vigue.
Have fun with today’s workout!
See you soon!
PS You can find Jesse on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1 and I am on Instagram, Twitter & Snapchat: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
Intervals: 15 Rounds of 30/50.
Beginner: 10 Reps, 30 Seconds Cardio
Intermediate: 15 Reps, 30 Seconds Cardio
Advanced: 20 Reps, 30 Seconds Cardio
*30 Second Cardio Burst Between Each Exercise:
My Cardio Selection: Exercises 1-5: Mountain Climbers, Exercises 6-10: High Knees, Exercises 11-15: Mountain Climbers
- Twisting Sumo Squat
- Balanced Pendulum-Right
- Balanced Pendulum-Left
- Warrior III-Right
- Warrior III-Left
- Shoulder Tap Pushup
- Spiderman Side Plank-Right
- Spiderman Side Plank-Left
- Tricep Pushup-Right
- Tricep Pushup-Left
- Angel Abs
- Side V-Up-Right
- Side V-Up-Left
- Rock the Boat
- Super Swim
Repeat 1-3X
I am currently 9.5 weeks pregnant and was very thankful to read your post regarding exercise during the first trimester. I’ve heard so many different things over the internet, so it was a breath of fresh air to have information in one place by someone I can trust. Many congratulations to you, Jesse and Maverick. He’s a sweet looking boy 🙂
Great workout tday Melissa. You look amazing post pregnancy and I love the family pics you share. Truly beautiful and such a blessing
Great workout! I am a mama of 2, and have a diastasis recti (vertical tear in my abds from pregnancy). Do you have any workouts or modifications for this condition? I can not do any moves that will “jack knife” my body, or the tear will worsen (think of folding one of those old, plastic football-shaped wallets open from the top & bottom). Help!
I have been meaning to make a post/video on this topic for so long! There are absolutely modifications. There is a program called the Tupler Technique, and it is the only Scientifically studied technique known to decrease the abdominal separation. That doesn’t mean other programs don’t work, but this one has the research to back it up.
Avoid standard crunches, and twisting exercises. Practice engaging the transverse abs and pelvic floor, incorporate hip tilts (I do the wall sit hip tilts in most of my pregnancy workout videos).
How large is your diastasis?
My Diastasis is pretty bad. 2 fingers at the top, and 4 at the bottom. I did the Tuppler Techique. In addition to the suggested exercises, you have to wear a brace to draw the abdominal muscles together, and wound up throwing out my back from wearing the brace. My chiropractor was not happy, and wanted me to get rid of the brace immediately. I will engage in more hip tilts, though! Thank you!