Hi Everyone!
Today’s video is a Beginner Stretching for increased flexibility. This routine combines seated and standing stretches. The only equipment you need is a chair. This is a simple stretching program that will promote health and flexibility.
During any flexibility program you should feel a stretching sensation in the targeted muscles. You may be uncomfortable at times. Stretching shouldn’t hurt. One of the main goals of stretching is injury prevention. Move slowly in your stretches. Do not bounce.
In this video I hold each stretch for 30-seconds. You can extend the amount of time you spend in the stretch to 60-seconds as you become familiar with each exercise. This routine utilizes several single side stretches, because it helps decrease the chance of compensatory movement patterns. When you stretch both sides of the body, often your stronger side (we all have one) will dominate the exercise. We want to target each muscle group as efficiently as possible.
I included a photo tutorial with exercise descriptions below. I encourage you to watch the video for further description of each exercise.
Stay tuned, we have new workouts headed your way!
See you soon,
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a babysitter (so we can film more often), new camera, new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
- Standing Forward Fold
- Staggered Forward Fold-Right
- Staggered Forward Fold-Left
- Quadricep Stretch-Right
- Quadricep Stretch-Left
- Seated IT Stretch (Modified Pigeon Pose)-Right
- Seated IT Stretch (Modified Pigeon Pose)-Left
- Shoulder Squeeze
- Eagle Arms-Right
- Eagle Arms-Left
- Side Reach-Right
- Side Reach-Left
- Gentle Twist-Right
- Gentle Twist-Left
- Seated Camel

Forward Fold. Primary Focus: Keep your back flat and hips reaching backward. You should feel a stretch in the back of the legs. Only go as far as you can while keeping your back flat.

Staggered Forward Fold: Keep your back flat. Form is the same as for the Forward Fold, with the exception of foot placement.

Quad Stretch: Focus on stretching the hip flexors and the front of the thigh. Keep the hips tucked toward your rib cage to maximize the stretch. Avoid compensatory movements.

IT/Hip Stretch (Modified Pigeon Pose): Keep your back flat and lean forward slightly to intensify the stretch. Keep your foot flexed, and do not push directly on your knee.

Shoulder Squeeze. Squeeze your shoulders together toward your spine. This stretches the front of the shoulders, while strengthening your back. This exercise helps counteract the postural pitfalls of spending time at a desk/computer.

Eagle Arms: Shoulder/Back stretch. Be sure to repeat this stretch on both sides. Avoid lifting the shoulders toward your ears.

Stretch the opposite arm by changing which elbow is on top.

Side Stretch. Shoulders stay stacked as you lean to the side. Feel the stretch on the outside of your abdomen as you create length in your midsection.

Seated Camel Stretch: Focus on lengthening the front of the abdomen, and lifting from the low back as you stretch back. Simultaneously lift your heart toward the ceiling.
i tried it today..and i felt so fresh and relaxed after doing it..thanks for sharing :)..i will follow it regularly from now on