Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time again! I have two quick workout videos for you below. The first workout uses dumbbells and will take 10-minutes per round. The second workout is for reps and is bodyweight only.
Personal Update: I have been really struggling to get in my workouts for the past two weeks. It’s been Go, Go, GO at all times. I have been getting in random exercises interspersed throughout my day. To be honest, missing my workouts has me feeling off. I know, that’s not very descriptive, but I miss being able to have a set time to just get in my workouts and push myself physically.
According to the scale my weight is the same as when I was on stage for my NPC Fitness Bikini Competition. I weigh about 5 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant, but my body composition is completely different. I’m sharing this as a reminder that the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. Frankly, I just don’t feel very fit right now. I need to get back to working out, filming videos, and blogging. It’s part of who I am, and what I love to do.
Sharing my workouts here makes me feel like I am making a positive change in the world. Helping people be healthier and live a higher quality of life is a calling to me. I consider it disease prevention, which is the primary level of healthcare. Jesse and I had a long talk last night about how to make our schedule/time work so I can spend more time on the website.
The Workouts: For the first workout grab two dumbbells and a stability ball. If you don’t have a stability ball don’t worry. I use the ball for one exercise, but you can do that exercise from the floor. The second routine is body weight only. You don’t need any equipment. Focus on good form. If you want a time challenge set your timer to stopwatch and see how quickly you can get through all of the exercises. Another way to do it is to pick an amount of time, and repeat the routine as many times as you can in that time limit.

Workout 1

Workout 2
Let me know how you do and how you feel. Did you like the exercises in these videos? There are some fun moves thrown in there.
Enjoy the workout! I am planning to film this weekend, so keep an eye on my social media accounts for new updates.
Much Love,
The Benders: Melissa, Jesse & Maverick
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1 Maverick on Instagram: MaverickBender
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Equipment: Two Dumbbells + Interval Timer. –Buy a Gymboss now. Set Your Interval Timer for 10 Rounds of 10/60.
*Today’s workout is a quick, high intensity (HIIT) workout. In the video I say that my intervals are 50 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest, but afterwards I realized I did 60 seconds, 10 seconds of rest.*
If you don’t have a stability ball, the final move can be performed on the floor. No dumbbells? Try soup or veggies cans. As always, this workout can also be performed with body weight only.
1. High Knees
2. Man Maker Burpees
3. Rainbow Climber
4. Romanian Deadlift
5. Russian Kicks
6. Warrior Deadlift (right)
7. Pendulum Hop
8. Warrior Deadlift (left)
9. Hip Lift Stretch
10. Chest Press Situp
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
*Leg Series reps: Beginner 5, Intermediate 8, Advanced 10 per movement
1. Angled Mountain Climber
2. Leg Series (right)*
3. Leg Series (left)*
4. Knee Drop Plank Press
5. Temple Tap Abs
6. Triangle Dog Press
7. Heel Slide Abs
8. Dips
Pair these two workouts and got in an awesome total body workout! Thanks! Now going out for a jog to enjoy this cool morning.
Melissa, I’m sure so many of us are sharing the same struggle. I was at my peak fitness-wise before getting pg with my third, who is now one. I found that 30 minutes is all I can spare most days, and I stop at 30 minutes even on those days when I CAN get in a longer workout. That way it remains doable, I don’t get burned out or overly fatigued, and I don’t feel guilty about not spending that extra time with my kids (especially in the summer when there is so much fun to be had!!!). LUCKILY, your HIT workouts are intense enough that 30 mins is sufficient if I’m pushing hard. Don’t get down on yourself. There is a season for everything and there will come a time soon when you’ll get back into your routine! Might not seem like it now, but it will happen!
Hi Melissa, thank you for all the workouts that you and Jesse produce and letting us share your journey from being two to a wonderful family of three. You ‘re doing a great job getting the workouts and the blogs out when you can . As a mother of once younger children I know it’s really challenging to work out and exercise when they are so many demands in bringing up a young family . Love your workouts -keep going it does get easier.
Thank you for being so open! Being a real “human” is a reason I appareciate and trust you and your workouts so much. I know that you are educated in the workouts you film and that your truly care about the people doing them.
Much love and hugs,
I’ve gained weight, yet my workout routine and diet has been the same. Not sure if it’s just hormones changing. But at 54 it’s a battle to stay in charge of your weight. I’m not looking to be a certain weight. I just want to be healthy and fit. I notice I gain weight by how my clothes fit. Menopause sure changes everything in your body. Just trying to stay consistent ,and not feel off. As you said Melissa
Thank you for all you do. You provide a wealth of information. Thank you for caring.
I feel so lucky to have found your wonderful work outs ,have done a few of them and will continue to do so,it really brings it home that you dont need lots of fancy gym equipment to get an intense workout and you dont even need lots of room,thanks so much for the sharing and caring ,your doing an awesome thing for people. Cheers Rata
I completed one round of each and stacked it with yesterdays 12-min workout. 359cal burned!! Thank you for your workouts and for your support.
Thank you for your honesty. As a mom of three kids who play sports and show horses I feel like I am never home and don’t get to workout like I would like to. I used to follow you and workout almost daily. My weight is the same but my muscle tone isn’t even close to what it was. Time to get back on track!
Thank you so much for all of this….seriously, you have helped me so much and on a very fixed income at the present time you have been a blessing.
Mad love for you Melissa! We all have those off times-I am there with ya it’s good to know I’m not alone! Thanks for your videos and being such a great person:)
Oh Melissa, it’s always a struggle. Love your honesty. I wish you live closer my kids could watch Maverick, so you can film and blog. As mothers we all struggle with exercise to diets. Thank you for getting us at least here. And I truly believe you are showing us love with what you are posting. Thank you for your dedication to thisblog!!!
Thank you so much for this post! I have been feeling the same way! I am an avid follower of yours for the last 4 years and had a son a couple weeks after you did last year.. being a mom is AMAZING but truly changes your schedule! I love no matter how long I take a break I can always come back to your site and get in a great sweat! Thanks so much!!