Hi Everyone!
Are you ready for today’s workout? This is Workout #3 in this week’s workout schedule. This month I am challenging you (and myself!) to get in 5 workouts per week. I am posting a combination of new and throwback workouts. You can find the schedule HERE.
Yesterday’s workout was a fantastic challenge, with the wonderful Millionaire Hoy. He is a great fitness instructor, and we were lucky to have him film a workout for BenderFitness.
Today’s workout is done completely in standing. You don’t need any equipment, but you can grab a chair to assist with balance. This is a Low Impact routine that is focused on the Core and Glutes. We will utilize the core from every angle to ensure we are maximizing our strength gains.
On a personal note, it feels really good to be back and getting in my workouts consistently. I have some work to do on my eating habits, but it feels great to find my consistency again. It has been a struggle finding time to film new workouts, but I think we are finally finding a balance. Remember that when you see Instagram posts, or photos that make it look easy. It’s not. It takes effort, but it’s worth it.
I have plans to film a longer workout a little bit later this week. When you try this workout let me know how you do. Use the hashtags #BenderFitness and #BFFitFall on social media.
Have fun with today’s workout! I love seeing your check-in posts and comments! Let me know how you feel and what you thought of the exercises. Have you done all of the scheduled workouts so far this week, or are you modifying the program? I can’t wait to hear how you are doing!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
For my none fitness related posts I am on instagram as @Melissa_Bender_Life
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Don’t forget to include a Warm-Up and Cool Down.
- Swaying Goddess-Right
- Swaying Goddess-Left
- Tip Toe Single Leg Pulse-Right
- Tip Toe Single Leg Pulse-Left
- Tick Tock Goddess-Right
- Tick Tock Goddess-Left
- Trunk Rotation
- Back Stretch to Flat Back
- Star Tap-Right
- Star Tap-Left
- Leg Abduction/Rotation-Right
- Leg Abduction/Rotation-Left
Repeat 1-3X

Swaying Goddess: Part 1

Tip Toe Single Leg Pulse

Tick Tock Goddess Pose

Trunk Rotation

Standing Back Stretch

Flat Back

Star Tap: Part 1

Star Tap: Part 2

Leg Abduction/Rotation: Part 1

Leg Abduction/Rotation: Part 2
Thanks Melissa! Just did this with a yoga workout of yours and I feel amazing! I am doing this challenge with you not exactly as written…I just knock em out when I can so some days I combine your videos.
Thank you Melissa! I love doing your workouts. I liked the standing workout and I am going to try to keep up with the 5 day workout plan you are doing. I appreciate being able to follow you!
I Ed it did 2 x
Thanks your sharing, Mellissa! Not only just doing it, I have saved it too as it’s convenient to do in wherever I am. Proud of seeing your flat tummy as a mum. Waiting to hear on your sharing on new eating habits.
Missed yesterday, so paired Millionaire Hoys 20 min with this standing abs, good workout. Core is sore already. Like you I am also struggling with some eating habits at the moment, well actually its all healthy food, but portion sizes are all out of whack.
Thanks Melissa
Loved the workout! I enjoy standing the whole workout
My tip toe single leg pulse was pathetic, so was my leg abduction/rotation. But I always enjoy your standing abs routines. I like looking at how great you are at balancing. It motivates me.
Also the more Gambit appearances, the better!!! Some day I hope you’ll do a cats introduction video. I’d love to know more about them. 🙂
Love the weekly workout schedule!! Thank you for your commitment to health and to share it with all of us!! I have completed all three so far…I work out to your workouts at least 4x a week and have been for the last 4 years! Thank you again! You Rock!
Love this workout! I love the workouts that are 10-15 minutes long. Most days that’s all the time I have to get a workout in. Thank you for the great workouts!
Loved this one. I wanted to do it twice but I was already pretty sore from the last two days. I’m trying to keep my workouts a bit shorter so I can make it Monday through Friday!
Thank you ! I loved this standing workout. Thanks again !
Another great workout! I love standing ab workouts – a variation from the norm!
Thank you, for putting together this fall fit challenge! I’m really enjoying the variety of workouts with the different lengths and intensity.
This was so different than what i usually do. A nice change of pace. I can tell i’ll be sore tomorrow!
That was perfect. Visiting husband in London in apartment. Über quiet…thanks. And fun doing standing exercises. You can tell you are the mom of a toddler as you encourage and clap! Thanks for encouragement.
Hi Melissa,
not cardio but challenging the balance and the core.
Original, I loved it.
Hugs 🙂
I’m glad you liked it!
Love it! Love this challenge. I had to take a break from your workouts to get my fitness level back up but I can do them again and as always LOVE THEM!
I enjoyed the no impact, standing workout. Will definitely add this to my regular workouts.
Perfect for the hotel – thanks
All of your ab works are great and I really enjoy the variety you offer; whether it be standing, up-and-down, HIIT, or a mix.
I ran 2.5 miles in the wind before doing this workout so my legs were already tired which led to a lot of focus on my balance. It was a great challenge and workout.
Thank you!
So sweaty. Love this style of work out