Hi Everyone!
I am so excited today! I was finally able to film a brand new workout! Raise your water glass and give me a virtual cheers, because this has been long overdue. My year got off to a rough start, and all that awesome New Year’s motivation was put on hold.
No worries though, like a Phoenix I will rise again, to bring you new workouts and tips for creating a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Whoops, looks like Nicole was Phoniex and I was Rouge. 😉 I’m sure Rouge has some great workouts anyway. #HalloweenThrowback #ComicNerd
My New Workout Program: I mentioned in a recent blog post that I am planning a new workout program. This is the first workout to a new series I am in the process of creating. I am calling this series the BF Body Workout Program. If you’re in, you can start using #BFBody on social media. I will be looking for your posts.
For a long time now, I have been wanting to create a new workout program that focuses on physical wellness, with an emphasis on treating your body (and yourself) like a best friend. Workouts to nourish you, advice and tips to creating a healthier self image, and foods to nourish you.
Fitness isn’t just physical, it incorporates so many aspects of your life. So often I see people using techniques to “get in shape” that are punishing their bodies, and damaging their metabolism and overall health. The goal of my new program is to help you establish a healthy relationship with your body.
The series is going to combine HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), LIIT (Low Intensity Interval Training), Strength Training, and Yoga/Flexibility training. This format will help you train efficiently, help prevent injury, and provide a very balanced workout program. It will also make it easier for you to mix and match/modify the workouts as needed to fit your own needs.

Maverick wants to say hi! <3
As you all know filming has been more of a challenge for us these days. We did get some new equipment so that I can film workouts by myself while my husband takes care of our son. This is going to be a huge help in allowing us to release new workouts more consistently. I also would like to take a moment to thank our Patreon supporters, because without you we wouldn’t have been able to upgrade our equipment, and keep this website going. Changing Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube algorithms are making it much more difficult for people to find our workouts. Your support has been paramount in allowing us to continue sharing workouts with you.
I hope you like the new workout. Let me know what you think!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
For my non-fitness related posts I am on instagram as @Melissa_Bender_Life
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can stay free and make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
The Workout:
*You don’t need any equipment for this workout.*
Intervals: 35 Cardio (Marching or Cardio of Choice) 45 Maximum Repetitions for each exercise.
1. Side Leg Lift-Right
2. Side Leg Lift-Left
3. Floor Tap Squats (alternating)
4. Low Impact Burpee
5. Crab Knee Tap
6. Curtsy Lunge Kick-Right
7. Curtsy Lunge Kick-Left
8. Runner’s Lunge Lift-Right
9. Runner’s Lunge Lift-Left
10. Plie Pulse
11. Warrior III Calf Raise (Alternating)
12. Angel Abs
13. Side V-Up-Right
14. Side V-Up-Left
15. Temple Tap Abs
16. Leg/Hip Lift
17. Dead Bug
18. Down Dog Side Plank (Alternating)
19. Reverse Plank Leg Lift
20. Cat Bow or Pushup
21. Shoulder Blade Squeeze
22. Tricep Pushup-Right
23. Tricep Pushup-Left
Optional: Repeat the workout to make it more intense.
Great workout. Felt all body parts working! Nice to see you feeling better again.
I would love to see more arm workouts to get great definition for “summer” arms! Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to new series.
LOVE this new workout, THANK YOU!
Loved this workout! Thank you Melissa for your energy! I am looking forward to your new series!
Thank you for the awesome whole body, low impact workout! I enjoyed all of the exercises, but especially enjoyed the reminders to keep your tummy pulled tight. Core tight all times is not always something I remember so having you remind us is perfect for me!
I’m super excited about your new series. At 55 years of age I’m trying to keep myself in the best physical, mental, spiritual health I can.
Once again thank you for all you do to help keep us healthy!
I am so excited for your new series!! 🙂 You’re awesome!
Hi Melissa!
Thanks so much for the new workout (even though I have been keeping active with and enjoying all your other workouts from your website). I found with the low intensity I was taking the time to really focus on the different exercises as I went through the workout. I typically gravitate towards the high intensity cardio type workouts, so this was nice for a change. To answer some of your questions – I never listen to music when I workout, not even when I run – not sure why, I just don’t! I enjoy all of your exercises, even though I struggle with some and curse them while I’m doing them. Temple tap abs are so tough, but so good at the same time! Thanks for all you do!
Hi Melissa, Thank you for the new workout! I know your life is very full and its challenging to fit everything in. The audio is very quiet on the video, I have tried it on a few devices with the volume on full ball and could barely hear you. Is there a way that you could make the audio louder like your other videos? Sorry, I don’t mean to add another job to your list. Thanks!
I have been doing your workouts for the past 5 years and am so thankful for them. I even talked my husband doing them with me! I love how every workout is different and you incorporate all of the workouts I enjoy doing (yoga, Pilates, HIIT, dance). I’m excited about the new plan and will be doing it right there along with you!
Great workout – thanks Melissa! Glad that you and your family are well again. Love your positive, healthy and realistic attitude 🙂
I’m still perplexed at how you can talk through temple taps!I am dripping with sweat which is an excellent indicator for me at how hard I worked despite it being LIIT workout. Thanks Team Bender for always bringing diversity to my workouts. My body is so strong and balanced. Cheers!
Thanks Melissa. I really like this whole workout, especially th customization to it up th cardio. I personally like that you don’t play music, as that was one reason I started to follow you vs a couple of other you tubers whose music I disliked.
Love LIIT! Thank you, it’s a great whole body workout that I think won’t hurt my adrenals later (when I go too hard I need a nap a while later). Crab taps are great & thank you the demos while we marched.
Love this workout. Thank you so much.
This makes me so excited!!! I have lower back issues and can’t do a lot of your workouts because they make the pain flair up. But I always come back to you because I love your workouts. So doing LIIT and yoga and easier workouts are what I need! Thank you!!
Ps I am a LuLaRoe retailer and LOVE that your sporting our leggings
As a 60 y/o x-athlete with a bad right knee, I loved this no-impact alternative. thanks! I couldn’t do the reverse plank leg lifts at all though….is that weak hamstrings? I just held the plank as you suggested, but is there a next step to build to the full leg lift….harder than just holding the plank but not as hard as the full leg lift?
That was a great workout! I needed something to motivate me to get back into my fitness routine, and that did the trick! Looking forward to your next workout. Thank you so much!!
I like the tricep push-up! I workout at home with dumbbells so it’s always nice to have the extra no-gym exercises I can do at home without much equipment.
LOVED IT!! And love the cheetah pants 🙂
I did this workout yesterday thinking it would be easy and perfect for an “active rest day” or day when I wasn’t full of energy. Surprisingly, it was actually a challenging workout and I worked up a sweat even WITHOUT modifying the high knee march/walk to high knee run. I think slowing down and really focusing on core tucked it, squeezing and overall better alignment and form made for a different type of challenge. Thank you again!
Melissa, you look AMAZING! It takes a lot of work to do what you do and I am very grateful and appreciative of you. I have been following you for the past 6 years or so and you are very inspirational. Ive had a lot of changes happen in my life the past 6 months and I have lost my motivation for exercising and eating healthy. I completed this workout and instead of marching, I did plyo cardio exercises and I feel GREAT! I think I have found my motivation! Thank you again for all that you do. You are wonderful.
Love, love, LOVED this workout!! This is perfect for those days you can’t get be jumping around too much or have low energy; still made me sweat and still felt like an amazing full body workout. I’m so excited about your new workout program I can’t wait to see the whole thing! 🙂
Loved the low intensity workout. It was a nice change. Still felt like I was working hard and sweating just as much as a high intensity workout. I’m really excited for your new workout program! I would love to hear more about your diet and nutrition. Thank you, for all the great workouts!
Loved the workout, it was a nice change of pace from high intensity and just what I needed in the middle of the week. Thank you for reminding us to tighten our belly muscles, its refreshing to work out with a trainer who cares about form! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Loved the workout! I had some difficulties with the tricep push ups, what would be an easier modification for it? I also would love to build up for reverse plank leg lift, are there any other modifications besides reverse plank? Thanks!
Love this one!
Thank for your dedication!