Hi Everyone!
Welcome to today’s workout!
I filmed this workout as the second part to Total Body Fat Burning Home Workout: Core, Thighs and Glutes. You can do this routine on it’s own, or pair it with the other segment of this workout. Customize the workout to fit your needs. Either workout is great on it’s own, as a stand alone workout routine, and can be repeated.
I did one round of each video when we filmed this workout. I followed it up with a gentle cool down, and some stretching. Be sure to hydrate. I was sweating like crazy during this routine, and it felt great.
I was super stressed out before this workout, and I felt amazing afterward. Sometimes, pushing yourself, and working up a sweat can really be great for your mood. Exercise is a fantastic stress management technique. I actually taught a class called Exercise for Stress Management last semester, and it’s amazing what exercise does for your body on a physiological level. Endorphins are amazing!

How is he so big already?
My son went on some great adventures with my mom while we filmed our workouts yesterday. She kept him active, hiking, playing and exploring. Just being outside, and having the opportunity to explore is so amazing for children and their development.
I hope that you enjoy today’s workout! Please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of the routine. I love seeing your feedback, and hearing what your favorite moves are. Knowing that you are working out with me is such a great motivator to keep doing what we are doing.
Have fun and push yourself! Showing up today means you are one step closer to your health and fitness goals.

Have a good day! Thanks for working out with me!
<3 Melissa
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
For my non-fitness related posts, I am on Instagram as @Melissa_Bender_Life
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can stay free and sustainable, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
16 Rounds: 30 seconds Cardio, 50 seconds Max Reps
*Always consult your doctor before starting any workout program.*
1. Warrior Pistol Squat- Right
2. Warrior Pistol Squat- Left
3. Hydrant- Right
4. Hydrant- Left
5. Lunge Jump/Alternating Lunge
6. Leg Series-Right
7. Leg Series- Left
8. Walking Push-up or Plank
9. Donkey Kick
10. Reverse Plank Step-out
11. Table Press
12. Burpee or Low Impact Burpee
13. Down Dog Toe Tap- Right
14. Down Dog Toe Tap- Left
15. Superman
16. Farmer Walk
Repeat up to 3X.

Warrior Pistol Squat: Part 1

Warrior Pistol Squat: Part 2

Hydrant: Part 1

Hydrant: Part 2

Lunge Jump or Alternating Lunge: Part 1

Lunge Jump or Alternating Lunge: Part

Leg Series: Part 1

Leg Series: Part 2

Leg Series: Part 3

Walking Push-up or Plank: Part 1

Walking Push-up or Plank: Part 2

Walking Push-up or Plank: Part 3

Donkey Kick: Part 1

Donkey Kick: Part 2

Reverse Plank Step Out: Part 1

Reverse Plank Step Out: Part 2

Table Press: Part 1

Table Press: Part 2

Table Press: Part 3

Burpee: Part 1

Burpee: Part 2

Farmer Walk: Part 2

Farmer Walk: Part 1


Down Dog Toe Tap: Part 2

Down Dog Toe Tap: Part 1

Burpee: Part 3
Great video and photos to demonstrate each exercise. I love the reverse plank! Thanks for sharing some great tips and exercises to do at home!
Hi Melissa-juat wanted to stop by and say thank you! I appreciate your workouts and your transparency in the struggles of life sometimes. I struggle with severe anxiety and working out is always a release for me. When I am struggling to stick with it or get back to it I always find myself starting back up with your workouts. They are fun and challenging and I always feel so much better afterwards. You are much appreciated!!
Hi Melissa! Just had another friend ask what I have been doing for workouts and I directed her to your pages 🙂 thank you so much for doing these and for creating such a great resource for us. I am very grateful and really enjoy working out “with” you – and I am not a person who enjoys working out lol !
Another great workout. Loved the stacked leg series, really felt the burn there. Seemed to let up a wee bit there in the last few exercises but all the same a tough sweaty routine. Perhaps I’m the only geek out there, I truly enjoy hearing what muscle group or strengthening an exercise is targeting. Thanks for keeping it fresh and effective!
Great workout as usual! Thighs are burning!
Another amazing workout! Really loved that you explained each exercise before each strength interval, very helpful! Keep doing what you do, we all love and appreciate it!