Hi Everyone!
I am back from my vacation and ready to refocus on a healthy lifestyle (for me and you!) This was the first beach vacation I have taken in 4 years! In fact we haven’t actually had a vacation since before I was pregnant with my son. He will be two tomorrow.

“More waves! More! More!”
Its mind boggling how quickly time passes. Over the past two years I have had a much harder time being consistent with my workouts, and generally making any time for my own self care. I had the impression that it would be easier. While it isn’t impossible, it certainly takes a whole new level of planning, commitment and organization.
On vacation it was much easier. We had no work schedules to work around. My husband was always available to take care of our son if I wanted to go to a yoga class, or go for a run. Suddenly our time wasn’t being pulled in a million directions. It was glorious.
Yet, a return to the scheduling of the real world was inevitable. I watched the landscape change, water turning to land, tropics giving way to mountains and hills. It was beautiful and bittersweet. I took a moment to savor it, and reminded myself that comparisons kill joy. There are different types of beauty in the world. The beauty of tropical beaches, and the beauty of mountains and hills. Longing for what you don’t have doesn’t bring you joy. Sometimes we need to embrace what is different, and make plan, so we can live joyfully.

Until next time. ❤️
My plan is to focus on bringing some of the freedom of vacation back into our everyday life. To stop leaving some of the things I need to do for myself on the back burner for “if I have time to get to it today.” Flexibility is good, but so is structure, and a bit more life balance will do me good.
Time is our most valuable commodity. It is finite, we can not get back what we have used. All we can do is strive to use our time in ways that bring us, and those around us, joy. We can improve the quality of the time we have by keeping ourselves healthy in mind, body and spirit. We can fill ourselves with new experiences, and savor the familiar moments.
Cheers to moments both familiar and extraordinary. Let’s live our best, and healthiest lives.
❤️ Melissa
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
For my non-fitness related posts, I am on Instagram as @Melissa_Bender_Life
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can stay free and sustainable, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
*30-Seconds of Cardio Before Each Exercise*
1️⃣ Low Impact Burpee
2️⃣ Lunge to Hydrant-Right
3️⃣ Lunge to Hydrant-Left
4️⃣ Down Dog Cross Kick-Right
5️⃣ Down Dog Cross Kick-Left
6️⃣ Leg Drop Series
7️⃣ Reverse Plank Step Out
8️⃣ Angel Abs
9️⃣ Side Plank Foot Tap-Right
🔟 Side Plank Foot Tap-Left
Repeat 1-3X
For the photo tutorial of this workout click the original workout link below:
Side plank foot tap was the most challenging for me. I’m 9 weeks pregnant so this was my reprieve from the nausea lately. I loved the reverse plank kick out. Thank you Melissa!
Melissa that was a very beautiful and perfectly put inspiration. Thank you.
Lunge to Hydrant was a great exercise and I would love to see that in future workouts 🙂 Thank you again for all you do! I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant with my 2nd boy. (I modify exercises as needed) My other boy is 16 months right now and your workouts are helping me stay in shape!
I need to get back into your workouts again! Have a few pounds to lose after having baby #2. Hope to try this workout tonight!
Angela at Blush & Pearls
How do I feel? I had a little giggle when you said that Melissa! Those side plank foot taps were extremely challenging and then the angel abs are an all-time favourite. I really endeavour to maintain form over reps or pace. Your form is inspirational, Melissa. Thanks for another sweat workout!
Thank you for that post. Words of wisdom. Wonderful reminders.
Thanks for the workout Melissa
I was able to go through it twice as hubby took the kids for an hour.
Favourite exercise was the hydrant to lunge and the side plank toe tap was definitely the most challenging!
My favorite was the dumbbell swings for the cardio burst. I love any alternative to high knees ;). The hardest was the down dog cross kicks, especially 2nd round. I stopped doing your HIIT workouts about 7 months ago to focus on my yoga practice pretty exclusively , but I am starting to incorporate them in a few times a week to help boost my metabolism and overall strength. Yoga has made a huge difference in my core and upper body strength so I feel like I can really challenge myself in your workouts! Thanks for being so inspiring:)
Thanks for the workout Melissa. I am three months pregnant. I want to know from you is dumbbell swings exercise safe for me? Thanks in advance for your answer.