Hi Everyone!
I have a fantastic workout for you today. This is a Full Body Workout, you don’t need any equipment, and you can do this routine anywhere. You can workout at home, in the gym, a hotel room, outside, or anywhere that fits your routine and schedule.
One round of this workout will take 28-Minutes. Set your interval timer for 28 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 50 seconds work, or just follow along with the workout video.

Push yourself to get in maximum repetitions during each working round of this workout. If you ever need a break, take a quick rest and then get back into it. One of the most important parts of exercise is learning how to tune in with your body and find out what it needs.
We also train our bodies to work at a higher level of intensity over time. This helps us progress our level of health and fitness and continue to make physical improvements. It’s also fantastic mental training. You teach your mind how much endurance your body really has.
Train Hard & Have Fun

With exercise it’s very important to find a work/life balance. Exercise should be an important part of your life, but it should support your ability to participate in all of the things you love.
Don’t be afraid to go out, have fun, and take active rest days during the week. Yesterday we had a busy day in Pittsburgh. We started out at Picklesburgh: a festival completely dedicated to pickles. Worked our way to Sandcastle: a water park, and ended up at Kennywood: an amusement park.
Although I didn’t officially “work out” yesterday, I ended up getting in over 16,000 steps, while having a really fantastic and memorable day.
Don’t feel guilty if you miss the occasional workout. Just don’t let it derail you. Enjoy your life, and make sure that exercise is a consistent part of your workout routine.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Let me know what you thought about it!
See you soon.
<3 Melissa
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Always consult your doctor before starting this or any workout program. You can follow along with the workout video, and check out the photo tutorial below.
Interval Timer Set for 28 Rounds of 10/50.
1. In/Out Squat
2. Quadruped Rainbow-Right
3. Quadruped Rainbow-Left
4. Hydrant-Right
5. Hydrant-Left
6. Reach Through Hip Lift
7. Elbow Tap Side Plank-Right
8. ElbowTap Side Plank-Left
9. Reverse Plank Leg Lift
10. Angel Abs
11. Forearm Plank to Dolphin
12. Tricep Push-up-Right
13. Tricep Push-up – Left
14. Table Dips
15. Toe Tap Push-ups
16. Walk the Plank
17. Mountain Climbers
18. Floor Tap Hop-Right
19. Floor Tap Hop-Left
20. Plié Jump
21. Pendulum Squat-Right
22. Pendulum Squat-Left
23. Squats
24. Down Dog Heel Press-Right
25. Down Dog Heel Press-Left
26. Figure Four Pulse-Right
27. Figure Four Pulse-Left
28. Plié Pulse

Good workout. Perfect mood boost.
-a faithful follower going through ups and downs
❤️ I’m glad it helped. Wishing you more frequent ups.
Awesome workout! I’m on vacay with no gym access and this is perfect!!!!
Love all the workouts! When I do the reverse plank, it hurts my knees. Is there an alternative for those?
I love that you post your workouts for free! Thank you so much for great workouts and variety. Also, your cat is totally my spirit animal.
Great workout!!
Wonderful full body! I used your modifications so my kids could join!