Hi Everyone!
I have a great, total body workout for you today. This workout routine requires no equipment. Have some water handy and you are ready to go.
I incorporated some new exercises into today’s routine, so be sure to leave me a comment and let me know if you had a favorite exercise. I really liked the Forward/Back Froggers. They got me breathing heavy and felt like a great challenge.
In the Bender household we are focusing on a health reset. We are three months into the year, and it has been exhausting.
I have been trying to make healthier meal choices. It has been so hectic for the last few months that I have been relying too heavily on convenient meals. Unfortunately, busy-ness can perpetuate the cycle of fatigue. You get busy, it’s hard to make time to cook meals from Whole Foods, a lot of processed foods can make you more tired, less time also translates to less sleep and exercise. All around, it’s a recipe for becoming increasingly tired.
Luckily, the sun is shining more and that does very good things for my energy levels. It’s time to re-focus and create a cycle of health and energy. That starts with sleep, food and exercise.

I’m focusing on getting in more leafy greens, healthy protein and fruits and vegetables. Eggs and veggies are a super quick meal. I love adding artichokes and olives, because they are so delicious. It’s an easy breakfast or lunch. Last night we had turkey burgers topped with an egg, spinach and sautéed onions and garlic.
Let me know if you want to see more meal and recipe ideas. You can find my previous recipes here: https://www.benderfitness.com/category/recipes
As I type this my children are going stir-crazy, so I am going to end here for today. I’m planning a longer blog post (or maybe a coffee chat video) to re-connect with everyone. I feel that I’ve been fairly MIA since the beginning of the year, and maybe others have felt the same way: disconnected and tired.
I miss everyone and hope that you’re finding lots of sunshine and reasons to smile.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Interval Timer: 21 Rounds of 35/50
- Side to Side Hop and Reach
- Speed Skaters
- 3-Point Forearm Plank Taps
- Reverse Plank Hip Taps
- 5-Star Froggers (Frogger to Superman)
- Kneeling Leg Lift to Runner’s Lunge: Right
- Kneeling Leg Lift to Runner’s Lunge: Left
- Cat Bow/Knee to Nose: Right
- Cat Bow/Knee to Nose: Left
- Rotating Chair Pose
- Warrior III Pulse: Right
- Warrior III Pulse: Left
- Staggered Leg Hip Tilt: Right
- Staggered Leg Hip Tilt: Left
- Frogger Forward/Back Burpees
- Down Dog to Dolphin
- Crossed Leg Lifts
- Single Leg Glute Bridge: Right
- Single Leg Glute Bridge: Left
- Thoracic Reach Through
- Prone Cross Step
You can repeat this workout for a total of 2 Rounds if you want a longer workout.
LOVED all the new moves!!
Loved the new moves! All of them.
Thanks for another great workout! ❤️
Hi Melissa. As usual awesome workout!! Love the new moves. As mothers we can all relate to you on feeling exausted, especially when your children are still so young. We should always be proud of who we are as women, mothers that constantly thrive to be healthy, active and create a safe happy and loving environment for OUR families.
Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and thoughts.
So appreciate you for all that you do
I love the staggered leg lift/hip tilts and the froggers/backward burpees! Awesome and challenging! 🙂 Thanks for the great workout!
Lots of fun thank you Melissa! I’m dripping with sweat and have a smile
On my face
Thanks for this awesome workout, Melissa! Looved the new moves!
You hit the nail on the head for me too- disconnected and tired. This too shall pass. Thanks for the workouts!
I can totally relate to not feeling quite like yourself lately. I have been grateful for your workouts and encouragement these last few months.
Thank you for all that you do! And glad the sun is shining. 🙂
Addition to the diet part of this blog post for anyone on Team Bender who’s struggling to hit your nutrition goals:
I highly recommend Dr. Greger’s app called Daily Dozen to get in your needed portions of leafy greens and vegetables
Hi Melissa –
Would you be willing and able to create a series of videos incorporating resistance loop bands? I would love to learn the range of exercises you can do with them, and they’re so much more convenient than buying multiple sets of hand weights.
Thanks! I hope all is well with you and your family.
Hey Melissa, great variety and awesome 30 min calorie burn. Are you doing more Body Blast series like this one? Would like to see weights thrown in as well. Thanks
Awesome. Kicked my butt. Love the 30 second cardio in between.